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Report > Report Assembly Classes > ReportBeforeExpanderChangedEventArgs


Assembly: Report;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Report;


The ReportBeforeExpanderChangedEventArgs class implements argument of the event that occurs before toggling expander in a table cell.

Fore.NET Syntax

Class to get analog of the ReportBeforeExpanderChangedEventArgs class:


Class to get analog of object of the ReportBeforeExpanderChangedEventArgs class:



  Constructor name Brief description
Create The Create constructor creates an argument of the event that occurs before changing state of expander displayed in a data grid cell.

Constructors inherited from ReportExpanderChangedEventArgs

  Constructor name Brief description
CreateReportExpanderArgs The CreateReportExpanderArgs constructor creates an argument of the event that occurs on changing state of expander displayed in a data grid cell.

Constructors inherited from ReportCellEventArgs

  Constructor name Brief description
CreateReportCellArgs The CreateReportCellArgs constructor creates an argument of events related to a table cell.

Constructors inherited from ReportEventArgs

  Constructor name Brief description
CreateArgs The Create constructor creates an argument of events of the ReportBox component.

Class object properties inherited from IReportBeforeExpanderChangedEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Cancel The Cancel property determines whether expander state can be toggled.

Class object properties inherited from IReportExpanderChangedEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
State The State property returns state to be set for the expander.

Class object properties inherited from IReportCellEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Column The Column property returns index of the column containing the cell, for which the event is generated.
Row The Row property returns index of the row containing the cell, for which the event is generated.

Class object properties inherited from IReportEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Report The Report property returns the ReportBox component that has generated the event.
Sheet The Sheet property returns the sheet of the regular report, on which the event has occurred.

See also:

Report Assembly Classes