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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxReport


Assembly: Report;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Report;


The IPrxReport interface contains properties and methods of the Regular Report repository object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To access the active regular report, use the IPrxReportClass.ActiveReport property.


  Property name Brief description
ActiveSheet The ActiveSheet property determines an active sheet of the regular report.
Assemblies The Assemblies property returns the collection of development environment objects connected to the regular report.
Controls The Controls property returns the collection of controls of the regular report.
DataArea The DataArea property returns analytical data area.
DataIslands The DataIslands property returns data areas of the regular report.
DataSources The DataSources property returns data sources of the regular report.
DelayedLoad The DelayedLoad property determines whether delayed loading is available for regular report sheets.
EnableNewPage The EnableNewPage property determines whether new sheets can be added to the regular report.
FormulaIslands The FormulaIslands property returns the object that contains formula areas of the regular report.
HasEventHandler The HasEventHandler property determines whether event handler is connected to regular report.
InnerStyleSheet The InnerStyleSheet property returns the object that contains internal style table.
IsDataChanged Outdated. Use IDataChange.IsDataChanged.
IsDirty The IsDirty property determines whether the regular report contains pending changes.
Key The Key property returns key of the regular report.
MetabaseObject The MetabaseObject property returns a repository object.
MetabaseObjectInstance The MetabaseObjectInstance property returns the instance of the object (a report in this case) opened for read.
Name The Name property returns name of the regular report.
Options The Options property returns the object that contains regular report settings.
Scales The Scales property returns the object that contains all scales of the regular report.
SelfObject The SelfObject property returns a link to the object that is passed to event.
Sheets The Sheets property returns the collection of regular report sheets.
Static The Static property is reserved for the future.
StyleSheet The StyleSheet property determines a styles table.
SyncGroups The SyncGroups property returns a group with synchronization settings.
TableIslands The TableIslands property determines a collection of relational data areas.
TableSources The TableSources property determines a collection of relational data sources.
Title The Title property returns titles of regular report sheets.
UndoRedo The UndoRedo property determines parameters of Undo/Redo stack for the regular report.


  Method name Brief description
AddEventHandler The AddEventHandler method adds an event handler into the report.
Append The Append method adds sheets of template report to the report.
BeginRecalc The BeginRecalc method creates a context for calculation, the link to which is stored within the report when it is called the next time.  

The CopyFrom method removes all sheets, data sources, controls and plug-ins from the regular report and copies sheets from the source passed by the Source parameter.

CopyFromEx The CopyFromEx method removes all sheets, data sources, controls and plugins from the report and copies all contents of the report that must be copied.
CreateDocumentFormulaParser The CreateDocumentFormulaParser method creates an object that parses expression of the formula specified on a regular report text sheet.
CreateRecalcContext The CreateRecalcContext method creates a new calculation context not linked to a report, that is. no reference to this context is stored in the report.
GetBulkSelectionSet The GetBulkSelectionSet method returns allowed selection that is used to execute batch operations for the specified sheet range.
ParseCell The ParseCell method parses full address of the cell.
ParseRange The ParseRange method parses full address of the cell range.
Recalc The Recalc method calculates the whole report.
RecalcC The RecalcC method calculates report context.
RefreshDataSources The RefreshDataSources method refreshes metadata of regular report data sources.
RemoveEventHandler The RemoveEventHandler method removes event handler from the report.
SaveData Outdated. Use IDataChange.SaveData.
LoadFromFile The LoadFromFile method loads regular report from file.
LoadFromStream The LoadFromStream method loads regular report from stream.
SaveToFile The SaveToFile method saves the regular report to a file.
SaveToStream The SaveToStream method saves the regular report to a stream.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces