Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxReport > IPrxReport.RemoveEventHandler
RemoveEventHandler(Cookie: Integer);
Cookie - index of event handler.
The RemoveEventHandler method removes event handler from the report.
To execute the following example, create a unit (the text is given below), then create a regular report and specify the earlier created unit as event handler for this report (specify the EventsClass class). Create the following two hyperlinks in the report: the first one executes the AddEventHandler procedure the second one executes the RemoveEventHandler procedure.
Var i: Integer;
Class EventsClass: ReportEvents
//event after report export
Public Sub OnAfterExportReport(Report: IPrxReport);
WinApplication.InformationBox("Report export «" + Report.Name + "» complete");
End Sub OnAfterExportReport;
End Class EventsClass;
Class MyEventsClass: ReportEvents
//event before saving report
Public Sub OnBeforeSaveReport(Report: IPrxReport; Var Cancel: Boolean);
If Not WinApplication.ConfirmationBox("Save data?") Then
Cancel := True;
End If;
End Sub OnBeforeSaveReport;
End Class MyEventsClass;
Public Sub AddEventHandler;
Ev: MyEventsClass;
Ev := New MyEventsClass.Create;
i := PrxReport.ActiveReport.AddEventHandler((Ev As IPrxReportUserEvents));
End Sub AddEventHandler;
Public Sub RemoveEventHandler;
End Sub RemoveEventHandler;
After clicking the hyperlink that executes the AddEventHandler procedure, the report will use the MyEventsClass handler. To check them, change the report, save changes and export. After clicking the hyperlink that executes the RemoveEventHandler procedure the previously added event handler is deleted.
See also: