Report > Report Assembly Classes > ReportEvents > ReportEvents.OnSubstituteReport
Sub OnSubstituteReport(Args: IUiPrxReportBaseSubstitutionEventArgs);
// set of operators
End Sub OnSubstituteReport;
Public Override Sub OnSubstituteReport(Args: IUiPrxReportBaseSubstitutionEventArgs);
// set of operators
End Sub OnSubstituteReport;
Args. The parameter, which enables the user to work with event parameters.
The OnSubstituteReport method implements the event that occurs on report substitution.
Report can be substituted on exporting, printing or previewing. Report used for substitution is determined in the IUiPrxReportBaseSubstitutionEventArgs.Report property of event argument.
On updating the OnSubstituteReport event the kernel also handles the EventOnSubstituteReport system event, which can be redefined if required.
The example of use is given in description of the IPrxReportUserEvents.EventOnSubstituteReport method.
See also: