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Report > Report Assembly Interfaces > IPrxReportUserEvents > IPrxReportUserEvents.EventOnSubstituteReport


Fore Syntax

Sub EventOnSubstituteReport(Args: IUiPrxReportBaseSubstitutionEventArgs);


//set of operators;

End Sub EventOnSubstituteReport;

Fore.NET Syntax

Public Override Sub EventOnSubstituteReport(Args: IUiPrxReportBaseSubstitutionEventArgs);


//set of operators;

End Sub EventOnSubstituteReport;


Args. The parameter, which enables the user to work with event parameters.


The EventOnSubstituteReport method implements system event that occurs on report substitution.


A report can be substituted on exporting, printing or previewing in the OnSubstituteReport event. The EventOnBeforeExportReport method enables the user to redetermine a system event, which occurs after the OnSubstituteReport event.

Fore Example

Public Class EventsClass: Parent
//Handle the OnSubstituteReport event
    Public Sub OnSubstituteReport(Args: IUiPrxReportBaseSubstitutionEventArgs);
//Call system event redetermined in the Parent class
        Inherited OnSubstituteReport(Args);
End Sub OnSubstituteReport;
End Class EventsClass;
Public Class Parent: ReportEvents
//Redetermine the EventOnSubstituteReportt system event
    Public Sub EventOnSubstituteReport(Args: IUiPrxReportBaseSubstitutionEventArgs);
//Handle system event
    End Sub EventOnSubstituteReport;
End Class Parent;

The EventsClass class is a regular report events handler. On exporting, printing or previewing a report the EventOnSubstituteReport redetermined system event is called, in which report substitution parameters can be changed.

Fore.NET Example

The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example.

Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Report;

Public Class EventsClass: Parent
    //Handle the OnSubstituteReport event
    Public Override Sub OnSubstituteReport(Args: IUiPrxReportBaseSubstitutionEventArgs);
        //Call system event redetermined in the Parent class
        Inherited OnSubstituteReport(Args);
    End Sub OnSubstituteReport;
End Class EventsClass;
Public Class Parent: PrxForeNetReportUserEventsClass
    //Redetermine the EventOnSubstituteReportt system event
    Public Override Sub EventOnSubstituteReport(Args: IUiPrxReportBaseSubstitutionEventArgs);
        //Handle system event
    End Sub EventOnSubstituteReport;
End Class Parent;

See also:
