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Dt > Dt Assembly Interfaces

Dt Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
The IDtAccessConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the Export to Access data consumer.
The IDtAccessProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Access data provider.
The IDtBaseErrors interface is used to set up basic problems of working with collection of errors.
The IDtBulkConsumer interface contains basic properties and methods of transactional data consumers.
The IDtBulkPacket interface contains properties of the data packet for transactional consumer.
The IDtCalcFieldError interface is used to work with error occurred on calculation of calculated field.
The IDtCalcFieldErrors interface is used to work with collection of errors which occur on calculation of calculated field.
The IDtConsumer interface contains basic properties and methods used to work with a data consumer.
The IDtCubeConsumer interface contains properties of the data consumer that imports data to repository cube.
The IDtCustomConsumer interface is used to work with user data consumer.
The IDtCustomProvider interface is used to work with custom data source.
The IDtDbaseConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the Export to Dbase data consumer.
The IDtDbaseProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Dbase data provider.
The IDtDocument interface is used to work with the Document data source.
The IDtError interface is used to work with error.
The IDtErrors interface is used to work with collection of errors.
The IDtExcelConsumerEx interface is used to load data to Excel provider (*.xlsx).
The IDtExcelProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Excel(97-2003) data provider.
The IDtExcelProviderEx interface is used to collect data from Excel provider (*.xlsx).
The IDtFieldDefinition interface contains properties used to describe data provider/consumer field.
The IDtFieldDefinitions interface contains properties and methods used to work with collection of data provider or consumer field descriptions.
The IDtFieldSplitter interface is used to split data provider fields by the specified splitter.
The IDtMetabaseConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the Repository consumer data consumer.
The IDtMetabaseProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Repository Provider data provider.
The IDtObject interface contains basic properties and methods of all ETL task data providers/consumers.
The IDtObjectCreator interface contains methods used to create data providers or consumers of different types.
The IDtObjectDataFormat interface contains properties to determine different settings used on data identification.
The IDtObjectMetaData interface contains methods used to collect information about data provider/consumer structure that uses OLE DB drivers for connection, installed in operating system.
The IDtOleDbConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the Export via OleDb data provider.
The IDtOleDbProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from OleDb data provider.
The IDtParadoxProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Paradox data provider.
The IDtProvider interface contains basic methods and properties used to work with a data provider.
The IDtRdsConsumer interface contains properties of the data consumer that imports data to table MDM dictionary.
The IDtRdsProvider interface contains properties of the data provider that exports data from table MDM dictionary.
The IDtRecordsetConsumer interface describes methods that export data by means of custom algorithm.
The IDtRecordsetProvider interface describes a method that imports data using custom algorithm.
The IDtRecordsetUserData interface is used to work with advanced settings of custom data sources or consumers.
The IDtSqlCommandConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the DBMS Command data converter.
The IDtTextConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the Export to text data consumer.
The IDtTextConsumerField interface contains data consumer field properties used to work with files, data in which is placed in fixed positions.
The IDtTextProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from text data provider.
The IDtTextProviderField interface contains data provider field properties used to work with files, data in which is placed in fixed positions.
The IDtUnpivotProvider interface is used to work with table data provider split into areas.
The IDtUserConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the User Consumer data consumer.
The IDtUserConsumerEx interface is used to load data with the help of custom algorithm.
The IDtUserProvider interface contains properties and methods of the User provider data provider.
The IDtUserProviderEx interface is used to collect data with the help of custom algorithm.
The IDtVfpConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the Export to Visual Foxpro data provider.
The IDtVfpProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Visual Foxpro data provider.
The IDtWebProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Web data provider.
The IDtXmlConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the Export to XML data consumer.
The IDtXmlProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from XML data provider.
The IDtXmlProviderField interface contains properties of the data provider field required to work with XML files.


To work with XLS providers (IDtExcelProvider, IDtExcelConsumer), MDB (IDtAccessProvider, IDtAccessConsumer), DBase (IDtDbaseProvider, IDtDbaseConsumer) in 64 bit version OS drivers are required:

If MSOffice is not installed and appropriate provider is not found, the following message is displayed: OLE DB provider Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 is not found.

See also:

Dt Assembly Enumerations | Dt Assembly Classes