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Dt > Dt Assembly Interfaces > IDtUserProviderEx


Assembly: Dt;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dt


The IDtUserProviderEx interface is used to collect data with the help of custom algorithm.

Inheritance Hierarchy





Custom algorithm must be implemented in the Fore or Fore.NET language and be included in a module or assembly in the current repository.

The interface unlike the IDtUserProvider interface permits to set the Fore or Fore.NET class to implement system interface of custom provider. On implementing the Fore.NET class it is possible to use partial data retrieving.


  Property name Brief description
The CustomObject property returns the object, that is the data source, obtained with help of custom algorithm.
The CustomProvider property returns the data provider, obtained with help of custom algorithm.
Outdated. Use Module and Macro.
The Macro property determines the class name implementing custom algorithm of data receiving.
The Module property determines the Fore/Fore.NET module or assembly of the repository where custom algorithm of data receiving is implemented.

Properties Inherited from IDtProvider

  Property name Brief description
The AutoFillFieldsMode property determines the field type detection mode of the data provider.
The CalcFieldsErrors property returns a collection of errors appeared on calculated fields calculation.
The Eof property returns True if the cursor in the data source is on the last record.
The FetchErrors property returns errors occurred on data import.
The FilterIf property returns condition of loading of records from data provider.
The StringDataFormat property returns settings used on data identification.
The TypeGuessRows property determines number of rows by means of which the data type of each field will be determined.

Properties Inherited from IDtObject

  Property name Brief description
The Active property returns data source or data consumer state.
The Fields property returns data provider/data consumer fields description.
The GetType property returns data provider/data consumer type.
The Metabase property determines the repository, in which data is imported or exported.

Methods Inherited from IDtProvider

  Method name Brief description
The Fetch method reads data of the current entry from the data provider.
The FetchRows method reads data of the specified number of entries from the data provider and returns the number of actually read entries.
The ReadingRowsCount method returns the number of records read from the data source with taking into account loading condition.
The ReadingRowsTotalCount method returns the number of records read from the data source without taking into account loading condition.

Methods Inherited from IDtObject

  Method name Brief description
The ClearFields method clears fields list of the data provider or data consumer.
The Close method closes data provider or data consumer.
The FieldsFromFile method reads fields list from the source file.
The Load method loads data source or data consumer parameters from XML.
The Open method opens data provider or data consumer.
The Save method saves data source or data consumer parameters in XML format.

See also:

Dt Assembly Interfaces