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Dt > Dt Assembly Enumerations

Dt Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
The DtAutoFillFieldsMode enumeration contains recognition modes of data provider fields type.
The DtExcelImexMode enumeration contains modes, in which values are imported or exported from Excel files.
The DtExcelRangeType enumeration contains data range types on Microsoft Excel sheet.
The DtObjectType enumeration is used to determine data provider/consumer type.
The DtTextFormatType enumeration contains file structure formats, according to which data is imported.
The DtUnpivotCellPosition enumeration contains variants of cell location in the source table before cross table transformation.
The DtWebTableIdentificationType enumeration contains methods of tables identification on a web page.
The DtXmlFormatType enumeration contains file structure formats, according to which data is imported.

See also:

Dt Assembly Interfaces | Dt Assembly Classes