Visualizators Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
IVZAlphaChannelEffect The IVZAlphaChannelEffect interface is used to work with transparency effect.
IVZBarsArray The IVZBarsArray interface is used to work with array of bar factors on the map layer.
IVZBaseDataSourceMapping The IVZBaseDataSourceMapping interface is used to work with basic settings of source data mapping.
IVZBaseDataVisualizer The IVZBaseDataVisualizer interface is used to work with basic settings of visualizer.
IVZBaseFormatter The IVZBaseFormatter interface is used to format visualizer data.
IVZBorderEffect The IVZBorderEffect interface is used to work with pen effect.
IVZBreadcrumb The IVZBreadcrumb interface is used to work with a navigation chain.

The IVZBrushEffect interface is used to work with brush effect.

IVZBubbleChart The IVZBubbleChart interface is used to work with bubble chart.
IVZBubbleChartTrendLine The IVZBubbleChartTrendLine interface is used to work with trend line of bubble chart.
IVZBubblesArray The IVZBubblesArray interface is used to work with array of bubble factors on the map layer.
IVZBubbleTree The IVZBubbleTree interface is used to work with a bubble tree.
IVZBubbleTreeItem The IVZBubbleTreeItem interface is used to work with bubble tree elements.


The IVZChartAxis interface is used to work with parameters of the bubble chart axis.


The IVZChartSeries interface is used to work with a bubble chart series.

IVZColorLegendBase The IVZColorLegendBase interface is used to work with the visualizer color scale.
IVZColorVisual The IVZColorVisual interface is used for visualizer data mapping with color fill of its children.
IVZControlStyle The IVZControlStyle interface is used to work with controls style.
IVZDataAdapter The IVZDataAdapter interface is used to transform visualizer data.
IVZDataArray The IVZDataArray interface is used to work with an array.
IVZDataCoordinateAdapter The IVZDataCoordinateAdapter interface is used for coordinated data transformation.
IVZDataDictionary The IVZDataDictionary interface is used to work with a data dictionary.
IVZDataNormalizeAdapter The IVZDataNormalizeAdapter interface is used for normalized transformation of data in visualizers.
IVZDataScale The IVZDataScale interface is used to work with visualizer scale.
IVZDataSourceMapping The IVZDataSourceMapping interface is used to set up data mapping from the source.
IVZDataVisual The IVZDataVisual interface is used to work with data mapping in visualizer.
IVZDataVisualizer The IVZDataVisualizer interface is used to work with visualizers.
IVZDoubleArray The IVZDoubleArray interface is used to work with an array of real numbers with double precision.


The IVZEffect interface is used to work with the effect used to highlight the control.


The IVZEffects interface is used to work with the collection of effects used to highlight the control.


The IVZHighlightEffect interface is used to work with highlighting effect for control.

IVZIntervalsLegend The IVZIntervalsLegend interface is used to work with a visualizer legend that has intervals.
IVZIntervalsLegendMarker The IVZIntervalsLegendMarker interface is used to work with legend marker.
IVZItemsNames The IVZItemsNames interface is used to work with the collection of visualizer element names.
IVZLabelBase The IVZLabelBase interface is a basic interface used to work with a label in visualizer.
IVZLabelStyle The IVZLabelStyle interface is used to work with text label style.
IVZLegendBase The IVZLegendBase interface is a basic interface used to work with visualizer legend.
IVZLegendHeader The IVZLegendHeader interface is used to work with visualizer legend title.
IVZLegendItem The IVZLegendItem interface is used to work with visualizer legend item.
IVZLegendsItems The VZLegendItems interface is used to work with collection of visualizer legend items.
IVZLegends The IVZLegends interface is used to work with collection of visualizer legends.
IVZLongArray The IVZLongArray interface is used to work with a long-integer array.
IVZMapChart The IVZMapChart interface is used to work with a map.
IVZMapChartArrow The IVZMapChartArrow interface is used to work with a map arrow.
IVZMapChartArrows The IVZMapChartArrows interface is used to work with collection of map arrows.
IVZMapChartArrowStyle The IVZMapChartArrowStyle interface is used to work with map arrow style.
IVZMapChartArrowVisual The IVZMapChartArrowVisual interface is used to work with visual view of map arrow.
IVZMapChartBar The IVZMapChartBar interface is used to work with bar factor on the map layer.
IVZMapChartBarAxis The IVZMapChartBarAxis interface is used to work with axis of bar factor on the map layer.
IVZMapChartBaseObject The IVZMapChartBaseObject interface is used to work with map objects.
IVZMapChartLabelStyle The IVZMapChartLabelStyle interface is used to determine map layer label style.
IVZMapChartLayer The IVZMapChartLayer interface is used to set up map layer.
IVZMapChartMarker The IVZMapChartMarker interface is used to work with map geolocation marker.
IVZMapChartMarkers The IVZMapChartMarkers interface is used to work with collection of geolocation markers.
IVZMapChartMarkerVisual The IVZMapChartMarkerVisual interface is used to work with visual view of geolocation marker.
IVZMapChartTopobaseGeoItem The IVZMapChartTopobaseGeoItem interface is used to work with topobase binding to geographical coordinates.
IVZMapChartTopobaseMetaInfo The IVZMapChartTopobaseMetaInfo interface is used to work with parameters of topobase binding to geographical coordinates.
IVZMapChartPie The IVZMapChartPie interface is used to work with pie chart on the map layer.
IVZMapChartShape The IVZMapChartShape interface is used to work with map layer area.
IVZMultiplyDataSource The IVZMultiplyDataSource interface is used to work with multiple data source of visualizer.
IVZNumberFormatter The IVZNumberFormatter interface is used to determine a visualizer numeric data format.
IVZNumericVisual The IVZNumericVisual interface is used for visualizer data mapping with numeric values.
IVZPalette The IVZPalette interface is used to work with color palette used to fill visualizer background.
IVZPiesArray The IVZPiesArray interface is used to work with array of pie factors on the map layer.
IVZPlacedControlBase The IVZPlacedControlBase interface is used to work with visual controls.
IVZResourceImage The IVZResourceImage interface is used to work with visualizer size legend resources.
IVZSizeLegend The IVZSizeLegend interface is used to work with visualizer size legend.
IVZSizeLegendMarker The IVZSizeLegendMarker interface is used to work with size legend marker.
IVZStringArray The IVZStringArray interface is used to work with array of string variables.
IVZTerritoryTranscript The IVZTerritoryTranscript interface is used to work with territory info.
IVZTextVisual The TextVisual interface is used for visualizer data mapping with text values.
IVZTimeLine The IVZTimeLine interface is used to work with visualizer time line.
IVZToolTipStyle The IVZToolTipStyle interface is used to work with tooltips style.
IVZTreeDataVisualizer The IVZTreeDataVisualizer interface is used to work with tree-type visualizers.
IVZTreeItem The IVZTreeItem interface is used to work with visualizer tree elements.
IVZTreeItems The IVZTreeItems interface is used to work with the collection of visualizer tree elements.
IVZTreeMap The IVZTreeMap interface is used to work with a tree map.
IVZTreeMapItem The IVZTreeMapItem interface is used to work with a tree map element.
IVZTreeModel The IVZTreeModel interface is used to work with the model of visualizer with hierarchical structure.

See also:

Visualizators Assembly | Visualizators Assembly Enumerations | Visualizators Assembly Classes