Interface | Brief description | |
IVZAlphaChannelEffect | The IVZAlphaChannelEffect interface is used to work with transparency effect. | |
IVZBarsArray | The IVZBarsArray interface is used to work with array of bar factors on the map layer. | |
IVZBaseDataSourceMapping | The IVZBaseDataSourceMapping interface is used to work with basic settings of source data mapping. | |
IVZBaseDataVisualizer | The IVZBaseDataVisualizer interface is used to work with basic settings of visualizer. | |
IVZBaseFormatter | The IVZBaseFormatter interface is used to format visualizer data. | |
IVZBorderEffect | The IVZBorderEffect interface is used to work with pen effect. | |
IVZBreadcrumb | The IVZBreadcrumb interface is used to work with a navigation chain. | |
IVZBrushEffect | The IVZBrushEffect interface is used to work with brush effect. |
IVZBubbleChart | The IVZBubbleChart interface is used to work with bubble chart. | |
IVZBubbleChartTrendLine | The IVZBubbleChartTrendLine interface is used to work with trend line of bubble chart. | |
IVZBubblesArray | The IVZBubblesArray interface is used to work with array of bubble factors on the map layer. | |
IVZBubbleTree | The IVZBubbleTree interface is used to work with a bubble tree. | |
IVZBubbleTreeItem | The IVZBubbleTreeItem interface is used to work with bubble tree elements. | |
The IVZChartAxis interface is used to work with parameters of the bubble chart axis. |
The IVZChartSeries interface is used to work with a bubble chart series. |
IVZColorLegendBase | The IVZColorLegendBase interface is used to work with the visualizer color scale. | |
IVZColorVisual | The IVZColorVisual interface is used for visualizer data mapping with color fill of its children. | |
IVZControlStyle | The IVZControlStyle interface is used to work with controls style. | |
IVZDataAdapter | The IVZDataAdapter interface is used to transform visualizer data. | |
IVZDataArray | The IVZDataArray interface is used to work with an array. | |
IVZDataCoordinateAdapter | The IVZDataCoordinateAdapter interface is used for coordinated data transformation. | |
IVZDataDictionary | The IVZDataDictionary interface is used to work with a data dictionary. | |
IVZDataNormalizeAdapter | The IVZDataNormalizeAdapter interface is used for normalized transformation of data in visualizers. | |
IVZDataScale | The IVZDataScale interface is used to work with visualizer scale. | |
IVZDataSourceMapping | The IVZDataSourceMapping interface is used to set up data mapping from the source. | |
IVZDataVisual | The IVZDataVisual interface is used to work with data mapping in visualizer. | |
IVZDataVisualizer | The IVZDataVisualizer interface is used to work with visualizers. | |
IVZDoubleArray | The IVZDoubleArray interface is used to work with an array of real numbers with double precision. | |
The IVZEffect interface is used to work with the effect used to highlight the control. |
IVZEffects | The IVZEffects interface is used to work with the collection of effects used to highlight the control. |
IVZHighlightEffect | The IVZHighlightEffect interface is used to work with highlighting effect for control. |
IVZIntervalsLegend | The IVZIntervalsLegend interface is used to work with a visualizer legend that has intervals. | |
IVZIntervalsLegendMarker | The IVZIntervalsLegendMarker interface is used to work with legend marker. | |
IVZItemsNames | The IVZItemsNames interface is used to work with the collection of visualizer element names. | |
IVZLabelBase | The IVZLabelBase interface is a basic interface used to work with a label in visualizer. | |
IVZLabelStyle | The IVZLabelStyle interface is used to work with text label style. | |
IVZLegendBase | The IVZLegendBase interface is a basic interface used to work with visualizer legend. | |
IVZLegendHeader | The IVZLegendHeader interface is used to work with visualizer legend title. | |
IVZLegendItem | The IVZLegendItem interface is used to work with visualizer legend item. | |
IVZLegendsItems | The VZLegendItems interface is used to work with collection of visualizer legend items. | |
IVZLegends | The IVZLegends interface is used to work with collection of visualizer legends. | |
IVZLongArray | The IVZLongArray interface is used to work with a long-integer array. | |
IVZMapChart | The IVZMapChart interface is used to work with a map. | |
IVZMapChartArrow | The IVZMapChartArrow interface is used to work with a map arrow. | |
IVZMapChartArrows | The IVZMapChartArrows interface is used to work with collection of map arrows. | |
IVZMapChartArrowStyle | The IVZMapChartArrowStyle interface is used to work with map arrow style. | |
IVZMapChartArrowVisual | The IVZMapChartArrowVisual interface is used to work with visual view of map arrow. | |
IVZMapChartBar | The IVZMapChartBar interface is used to work with bar factor on the map layer. | |
IVZMapChartBarAxis | The IVZMapChartBarAxis interface is used to work with axis of bar factor on the map layer. | |
IVZMapChartBaseObject | The IVZMapChartBaseObject interface is used to work with map objects. | |
IVZMapChartLabelStyle | The IVZMapChartLabelStyle interface is used to determine map layer label style. | |
IVZMapChartLayer | The IVZMapChartLayer interface is used to set up map layer. | |
IVZMapChartMarker | The IVZMapChartMarker interface is used to work with map geolocation marker. | |
IVZMapChartMarkers | The IVZMapChartMarkers interface is used to work with collection of geolocation markers. | |
IVZMapChartMarkerVisual | The IVZMapChartMarkerVisual interface is used to work with visual view of geolocation marker. | |
IVZMapChartTopobaseGeoItem | The IVZMapChartTopobaseGeoItem interface is used to work with topobase binding to geographical coordinates. | |
IVZMapChartTopobaseMetaInfo | The IVZMapChartTopobaseMetaInfo interface is used to work with parameters of topobase binding to geographical coordinates. | |
IVZMapChartPie | The IVZMapChartPie interface is used to work with pie chart on the map layer. | |
IVZMapChartShape | The IVZMapChartShape interface is used to work with map layer area. | |
IVZMultiplyDataSource | The IVZMultiplyDataSource interface is used to work with multiple data source of visualizer. | |
IVZNumberFormatter | The IVZNumberFormatter interface is used to determine a visualizer numeric data format. | |
IVZNumericVisual | The IVZNumericVisual interface is used for visualizer data mapping with numeric values. | |
IVZPalette | The IVZPalette interface is used to work with color palette used to fill visualizer background. | |
IVZPiesArray | The IVZPiesArray interface is used to work with array of pie factors on the map layer. | |
IVZPlacedControlBase | The IVZPlacedControlBase interface is used to work with visual controls. | |
IVZResourceImage | The IVZResourceImage interface is used to work with visualizer size legend resources. | |
IVZSizeLegend | The IVZSizeLegend interface is used to work with visualizer size legend. | |
IVZSizeLegendMarker | The IVZSizeLegendMarker interface is used to work with size legend marker. | |
IVZStringArray | The IVZStringArray interface is used to work with array of string variables. | |
IVZTerritoryTranscript | The IVZTerritoryTranscript interface is used to work with territory info. | |
IVZTextVisual | The TextVisual interface is used for visualizer data mapping with text values. | |
IVZTimeLine | The IVZTimeLine interface is used to work with visualizer time line. | |
IVZToolTipStyle | The IVZToolTipStyle interface is used to work with tooltips style. | |
IVZTreeDataVisualizer | The IVZTreeDataVisualizer interface is used to work with tree-type visualizers. | |
IVZTreeItem | The IVZTreeItem interface is used to work with visualizer tree elements. | |
IVZTreeItems | The IVZTreeItems interface is used to work with the collection of visualizer tree elements. | |
IVZTreeMap | The IVZTreeMap interface is used to work with a tree map. | |
IVZTreeMapItem | The IVZTreeMapItem interface is used to work with a tree map element. | |
IVZTreeModel | The IVZTreeModel interface is used to work with the model of visualizer with hierarchical structure. |
See also:
Visualizators Assembly | Visualizators Assembly Enumerations | Visualizators Assembly Classes