Enumeration | Brief description | |
BubbleChartTrendLineType | The BubbleChartTrendLineType enumeration is used to determine trend line type of bubble chart. | |
LegendColorApplying | The LegendColorApplying enumeration is used to determine fill type of the area that stores visualizer legend items. | |
LegendItemsHorizontalAlignment | The LegendItemsHorizontalAlignment enumeration is used to determine horizontal alignment of visualizer legend items. | |
MapChartArrowEffectsMode | The MapChartArrowEffectsMode enumeration is used to determine map arrow highlight mode. | |
MapChartArrowTextOrientation | The MapChartArrowTextOrientation enumeration is used to determine type of arrow label location on the map. | |
MapChartArrowType | The MapChartArrowType enumeration is used to determine arrow type on the map. | |
MapChartBarAxisVisibility | The MapChartBarAxisVisibility enumeration is used to determine visibility type of the X axis of on the map layer. | |
VisualizatorBubbleTreeAlignment | The VisualizatorBubbleTreeAlignment enumeration is used to determine alignment type for elements in the bubble tree. | |
VisualizatorBubbleTreeRenderMode | The VisualizatorBubbleTreeRenderMode enumeration is used to determine rendering mode of the bubble tree. | |
VisualizatorControlState | The VisualizatorControlState enumeration is used to determine state of a control. | |
VisualizatorDataAdapterMode | The VisualizatorDataAdapterMode enumeration is used to determine data transformation mode in adapter for visualizer. | |
VisualizatorDataMappingType | The visualizatorDataMappingType enumeration is used to determine data transformation type. | |
VisualizatorHistoryModeEnum | The VisualizatorHistoryModeEnum enumeration is used to determine visualizer history display mode. | |
VisualizatorHorizontalAlignment | The VisualizatorHorizontalAlignment enumeration is used to determine horizontal position of an element. | |
VisualizatorHoverMode | The VisualizatorHoverMode enumeration is used to determine hover mode for visualizer elements. | |
VisualizatorLegendMode | The VisualizatorLegendMode enumeration is used to determine display mode of legend with intervals. | |
VisualizatorNoDataPosition | The VisualizatorNoDataPosition enumeration is used to determine position of the element corresponding to missing data in visualizer. | |
VisualizatorScaleMode | The VisualizatorscaleMode enumeration is used to determine scale display mode. | |
VisualizatorScaleType | The VisualizatorscaleType enumeration is used to determine a scale type. | |
VisualizatorSizeMarkerShape | The VisualizatorsizeMarkerShape enumeration is used to determine the shape used as a marker for an element of legend with intervals. | |
VisualizatorSortingMode | The VisualizatorSortingMode enumeration is used to determine element sorting mode. | |
VisualizatorTerritoryTranscriptSelectEvent | The VisualizatorTerritoryTranscriptSelectEvent enumeration is used to determine mode of element selection in territory info. | |
VisualizatorTextWrapping | The VisualizatorTextWrapping enumeration is used to determine text wrapping type. | |
VisualizatorTreeMapRenderMode | The VisualizatorTreeMapRenderMode enumeration is used to determine tree map visualization mode. | |
VisualizatorUnitKind | The VisualizatorUnitKind enumeration is used to determine value scale on visualizer axes. | |
VisualizatorVerticalAlignment | The VisualizatorVerticalAlignment enumeration is used to determine vertical positioning of an element. | |
VisualizerLabelHorizontalAlignment | The VisualizerLabelHorizontalAlignment enumeration is used to position map layer labels horizontally relative to topobase position. | |
VisualizerLabelVerticalAlignment | The VisualizerLabelVerticalAlignment enumeration is used to position map layer labels vertically relative topobase position. | |
VisualizersResourceId | The VisualizersResourceId enumeration is used to determine a visualizer resource identifier. |
See also:
Visualizators Assembly | Visualizators Assembly Interfaces | Visualizators Assembly Classes