Setting Up Business Processes Debug

Debug setup is used to clear monitoring, regenerate processes, resave authorization objects and initialize tasks container.All operations of business processes debug are executed on the local computer regardless the selected type of processes execution. To set up business processes debug, use the Debug page.

To open the Debug page

Select or deselect checkboxes:

NOTE. To create a task of authorization objects resaving on server, select the Resave Authorization Objects checkbox on the Service Tasks page.

NOTE. The operation is available only on selecting server execution.

To execute selected operations, click the Execute button.The information window opens to confirm the action.

The operation execution process will be displayed in the right part of the Debug dialog box.When operation is running, it is impossible to go to another pages.

NOTE. Work with existing processes instances can be aborted. After debug operation is executed, relogin the repository.

See also:

Setting Up Parameters and Administrating Business Processes | Setting Up Business Processes Parameters | Setting Up Business Processes Scheduler | Creating Service Tasks for Business Processes | Administrating Business Processes