Server API

Request exchange with mobile platform server is executed via HTTP API.

Before getting started with server API methods see the sections: Formats for Sending Data to Input, Special Headers, Designating Delta Versions in Requests.

To check mobile platform server availability:

curl  "http://<IP address or server DNS name of prepared server>/api/v1/status/"

http://<IP address or DNS name of prepared server>/api/v1/status/

After executing one of the operations a JSON string is obtained with the result of mobile platform server availability check.

The successful result of mobile platform server availability check:

{"message":"Welcome to Foresight Mobile Platform.","time":"2019-03-19T12:35:53.390324"}

NOTE. The mobile platform server can be checked without authentication.

API of the server, with which a developer can interact:

NOTE. The current mobile platform version supports API versions v0.6 and v0.7.

See also:
