Method for Working with Table Resources

To get table resource data, execute request using the "rpc" API method (before executing the request determine user token).

The request contains resource parameters, and the X-Delta header is specified, on which the response depends:

NOTE. If resource parameters are not specified, default values are used. Default values for scalar parameters are set after resource import. An empty table with zero rows is a default value for table parameters.

curl -v  '<IP address or DNS name of server>/api/v1/rpc/<resource name>/'  -H  "Authorization: Bearer <user token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{"<input parameter name>": <input parameter value>}"

The example in the JSON format:



Connected to <IP address or DNS name of server> ( port 80 (#0)

> POST /api/v1/rpc/<resource name>/ HTTP/1.1

> Host: <IP address or DNS name of server>

> User-Agent: curl/7.61.1

> Accept: /

> Authorization: Bearer <user token>

> Content-Type: application/json

> Content-Length: 12


upload completely sent off: 12 out of 12 bytes

< HTTP/1.1 200 OK

< Server: nginx/1.9.11

< Date: <date>

< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

< Transfer-Encoding: chunked

< Connection: keep-alive

< ETag: "<ETag ID>"

< Expires: <date>

< Last-Modified: <date>

< Content-Version: <version number>

< Vary: Accept, Cookie, Accept-Encoding


< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN


[{"name": "<table_name>", "data": [[1, 3, "Data"]]}]*

curl -v  '<IP address or DNS name of server>/api/v1/rpc/<resource name>/'  -H  "Authorization: Bearer <user token>"  -d  '{"<input parameter name>": "<input parameter name>"}'  -H  'Content-Type: application/json'  -H  "X-Delta: v1-last"

The example in the JSON format:

< HTTP/ 1.1  200  OK

< Content-Version:  "delta v1-v6"

< ...

< [{ "name" :  "table_name1" ,  "insert_rows" : <table rows>, "delete_ids" : [ 3 ,  7 ,  10 ]}]

The Content-Type header in requests sets response format:

Request input parameters

Request with specifying the ETag unique identifier.

Request to load cache on lost connection

Getting Data of Foresight Data Source

To get data slice on a mobile device, use API requests with specifying parameters. Access to data of Foresight data source depends on user access permissions. User authentication is executed according to credentials of Foresight Analytics Platform.

The examples use resource names that are set on import in the Mobile Client Name box, for example, Dictionary, NSI_param, Cube, GrCube.

Examples of requests:

curl -v "http://localhost/api/v1/rpc/Dictionary/" -H "Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Delta: auto" -d "{"param_LEN": "9" , "param_DIAM": "5" ,"param_PROD":"[[33],[34]]" , "group": null, "attributes": [[]]}"

curl -v "http://localhost/api/v1/rpc/NSI_param/" -H "Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Delta: auto" -d "{"param_LEN": "9" , "param_DIAM": "5" ,"param_PROD":"34" , "group": null, "attributes": [[]]}"

NOTE. Only one element can be selected in MDM dictionaries.

curl -v "http://localhost/api/v1/rpc/Cube/" -H "Authorization: Bearer  token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Delta: auto" -d '{ "dim_FACTS": null, "dim_OBJ195219": null, "group": null, "dim_OBJ195221": null, "dim_OBJ195223": null}'

curl -v "http://localhost/api/v1/rpc/Cube/" -H "Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Delta: auto" -d "{  "dim_FACTS ": null,  "dim_OBJ195219 ": [[ "1 "],[ "2 "]],  "group ": null,  "dim_OBJ195221 ": null,  "dim_OBJ195223 ": null}"

curl -v "http://locslhost/api/v1/rpc/GrCube/" -H "Authorization: Bearer token" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Delta: auto" -d "{"dim_BALANCEINDICATORS_DICT":null, "dim_FACTSBUHBALANSE":null, "dim_REGISTRYSTRUCTURE_DICT":null, "dim_CALENDAR":null, "group": [["","","OBJ173485",""]]}"

See also:

Server API | Setting Up Integration with Table Data Sources