Method for Changing User Password

User password can be changed using the change_password API method. Password changing is executed via an http request using the POST method. Before changing the password it is recommended to check new password correspondence with the requirements that are set in security settings.

Password change request using the POST method:

curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"username":"<user name>", "password":"<old password>", "environment":"<environment name>","project":"<project name>","new_password":"<new password>","confirm_password":"<reenter new password>"}' "<IP address or DNS server name>/api/v1/accounts/change_password/"

Positive response (code 200):


  "token":"<user token>",



Negative response (code 400):


  "__all__": [

    "\"new_password\" and \"confirm_password\" do not match"



See also:

Server API | Managing Passwords