Advanced Analytics > Calculation and Model Designer > Modeling and Forecasting > Modeling in the Web Application > Working in Web Application > Working with Model
A model is an object that consecutively calculates equations to get the output data in the output variables. After finishing the calculation the results are loaded to variables.
In the web application, a model is not displayed as a separate object but is the complex of equations located in the working area.
All operations in the Modeling and Forecasting tool are executed within a model. Name of the current model is shown at the top of the working area.
After the model is saved, child cubes are created within it, which can be used as data sources in the following tools: Dashboards, Analytical Queries (OLAP), and Reports. The set of cubes is equal for all problems. Cube names are created according to the following rule:
<Model name>. Input variables. It contains data of model input variables.
<Model name>. Output variables. It contains data of model output variables.
<Model name>. Scenarios comparison. It contains data of all variables allowing to compare data by all scenarios contained in the model.
For example, Balance of Trade. Output Variables is a cube that contains output variable data for the Balance of Trade model.
See also: