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Advanced Analytics > Calculation and Model Designer > Modeling and Forecasting > Modeling in the Web Application > Working in Web Application > Working with Criterion Function

Working with Criterion Function

A criterion function is a function connecting target variable with controlling variables in the optimization task. An optimization problem is a problem aimed at finding maximum or minimum of an criterion function.

NOTE. A criterion function is calculated only in scenario modeling. If the single-variant modeling is used, on creating a criterion function the scenario modeling is enabled automatically.

To create a criterion function:

  1. Select the output variable, which should be optimized.

  2. Click the Criterion Function button on the Home ribbon tab.

  3. A dialog box opens:

Specify the following parameters of the criterion function:

The criterion function for the selected variable is added to the working area. After creating the criterion function execute the following:

  1. Set up criterion function by following the steps:

    1. Set up criterion function expression.

    2. Set up criterion function calculation options.

    3. Set up criterion function constraints and trajectory.

  1. Set up controlling variables.

  2. Set up criterion function calculation scenarios.

  3. Calculate criterion function.

The example of criterion function:

See also:

Working with Equations