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Advanced Analytics > Calculation and Model Designer > Modeling and Forecasting > Modeling in the Web Application > Working in Web Application > Working with Model > Hierarchical Structuring of Model

Hierarchical Structuring of Model

Hierarchical structuring merges models and their models into hierarchical structure. Depth of created hierarchy is not limited.

Hierarchical structure is based on folders. For example:

To create a folder

To move an object between folders

Navigation by Hierarchy

After creating a folder, the structure of links between objects remains unchanged. If an object in the folder is not linked to an object outside the folder, the following is displayed:

To move to the folder:

The folder contents is displayed on the schema.

The object located on the higher level of hierarchy is shown as a button.

Type of the linked objects can be determined by their icons:

To get information about the object, point the cursor to the button that corresponds to the object. A tooltip with object name appears.

To view object parameters, click the button that corresponds to the object. The side panel and results panel show tabs that are used to set up object parameters and view its characteristics.

To move to the object located on the higher level of hierarchy, double-click the button that corresponds to the object. The schema shows the hierarchy level that contains this object. The object is selected.

To navigate the hierarchy, also use the panel located in the upper part of the working area. The panel contains buttons and a breadcrumb, for example:

The breadcrumb starts from the button and is generated from names of the folders located on the higher level of hierarchy, than objects in the current folder. Name of the current folder is shown at the end of the breadcrumb. If the user is located at the root of hierarchy, only the button is shown.

Basic operations executed on this panel:

See also:

Working with Model