Task Scheduling and Their Executing by Schedule > Creating Scheduled Tasks > Setting Up Task Object > Setting Up Mobile Application Publishing
When the user sets up a task to publish a mobile application, additional parameters are added on the Parameters tab:
To open dialog to set up task parameters, create new or open ready task:
Set the following parameters:
Publishing Directory. Specify the server name and virtual directory, to which a mobile application will be published.
Published Objects. Select objects, which should be published to the mobile application in the object tree.
NOTE. Cannot select the checkboxes for the objects that do not satisfy the publication rules.
Selection. Choose selection of the dimensions required for publishing. The number of dimensions depends on the object selected in the Published Objects parameter. If advanced publication settings are available for the object, they are displayed in this group. All settings are similar to the settings determined on publishing the mobile application without using the scheduled tasks container.
See also: