Installing and Setting Up Foresight Analytics Platform > Installing Foresight Analytics Platform > Mobile Application Server > Working with Mobile Application Container > Working with Objects
Almost all operations on working with mobile application container objects are similar to working with objects in the object navigator. Creating mobile application container objects differs from the same operation in the object navigator.
To create objects, select:
Object > Create > <object type> main menu items.
Create > <object type> context menu items.
Dialog boxes that are used to set up object parameters open for some objects.
Objects of the following types can be created in a mobile application container:
Shortcut. Shortcut, which is a link to a repository object.
Mobile application container supports the following repository objects:
Express reports. A cube, on which the express report is based, must meet the following requirements:
Controlling dimensions, units and factors must not be determined in the cube.
A cube must not contain parametric dimensions.
Time series databases as sources of express reports.
Regular reports.
Dashboards. All dashboard objects except for controls (button, list, drop-down list), must be located on the grid.
See also: