Installing and Setting Up Foresight Analytics Platform > Installing Foresight Analytics Platform > Mobile Application Server > Working with Mobile Application Container > Publishing Mobile Application Container
To provide access to mobile application container data, publish it to a mobile application server. Before publishing a mobile application make sure that the server is prepared for publishing.
NOTE. With the help of scheduled tasks container objects can be published on schedule.
To publish a mobile application container:
Select the Publish item in the mobile application container context menu in the object navigator.
In the opened mobile application select the Mobile Application > Publish item in the main menu or select the Publish item in the root element's context menu in the object tree.
The mobile application publishing wizard opens containing the following pages:
Web server and virtual directory
After publishing is completed, the wizard page header displays the message with publication results:
Publishing completed successfully:
Publishing completed with errors:
The result of publishing of each object is displayed as an icon. For details about object publication progress, click the Details button.
After successful publication the folder <path to the installed desktop application of Foresight Analytics Platform>/Mobile/Pub will have the folder with files of the published mobile application container.
NOTE. If the original dashboard created in the web application contains several slides, the active slide with its markup can be loaded to the mobile application.
To continue working with the mobile application download it to a mobile device, which contains Foresight Analytics Platform application installed.
See also:
Working with Mobile Application Container | Working with Objects