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Task Scheduling and Their Executing by Schedule > Creating Scheduled Tasks > Creating a Task

Creating a Task

In this article:

Editing a Task

Deleting a Task

Operations with Task Objects

To create a task:

Button Task object
Calculated cube.
Regular report.
NET assembly.
ETL task.
Modeling problem.
Multidimensional calculation on database server.
Mobile application publication.
Object with enabled data caching.
Search index update.

After the action is performed, a dialog box to set up task opens. The dialog box contains the following tabs:

Editing a Task

It is available to change settings of created task, to do it, open task for edit:

After any action is performed, a dialog box to set up task opens.

Deleting a Task

To delete selected task, follow the steps:

After this a confirmation dialog box opens.

Operations with Task Objects

A special task type is provided for each object. The task object is determined in the task parameters dialog on the Parameters tab.

NOTE. Actions with objects are not available to publish mobile application, update search index and update object cache.

The following actions with task objects can be executed in the scheduled tasks container:

See also:

Creating Scheduled Tasks