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Task Scheduling and Their Executing by Schedule > Creating Scheduled Tasks > Setting Up Task Object > Setting Up Object Cache Update

Setting Up Object Cache Update

On setting up the cache update task, select a repository object on the Parameters tab. If the object is parametric, determine a set of parameter values on the same tab. When updating multidimensional data source cache, the Selection tab is also available, on which the selected object dimension selection can be determined:

To open dialog to set up task parameters, create new or open ready task:

To create a new task

To open ready task

By default, cache is updated by a maximum selection of all object dimensions. If partial cache update is required, change selection of the necessary dimensions.

Cache update is started and executed on the computer where the task scheduler is running. If required, cache update can be started on another BI server. To do this, set up the UpdCache option in the Service section in the registry or in the Settings.xml file.

If cache has not been yet created for an object, it will be created on the first task execution.

NOTE. The Selection tab is available if the repository uses data caching mode .

See also:

Setting Up Task Object | Creating Scheduled Tasks | Caching