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Stat Assembly > Stat Assembly Enumerations

Stat Assembly Enumerations

The following enumerations are included into the Stat assembly:

  Enumeration Brief description
The ADFEquationType enumeration is used to determine the autoregression model used in the Dickey-Fuller test.
The ADFTestedSeriesType enumeration is used to determine the tested series.
The AdjustmentOptionsX12Type enumeration is used to determine the method of accounting of adjustments for holiday and working days.
The AlignmentType enumeration is used to determine the type of matrix centering.
The AnalysisType enumeration contains types of source data analysis.
The ArimaOrderSearchType property is used to determine methods of the ARIMA model specification.
The ARMAEstimationApproach enumeration is used to select estimation method for autoregression and moving average coefficients.
The ARMAEstimationMethodType enumeration is used to determine optimization method.
The ARMAInitType enumeration contains methods used specify initial approximations.
The BinaryDistrType enumeration contains binary regression models.
The BinaryOptimizationMethod enumeration is used to determine optimization method in the binary regression.
The Stat Assembly Enumerations enumeration is used to determine calculation method of the Binning procedure.
The CalcCovarianceType enumeration contains methods for calculating standard deviation.
The CalcInitExpressionType enumeration contains available modes of calculating initial values of output variables.
The Census2HolidayAdjType enumeration contains types of holiday adjustments.
The ChowTestType enumeration contains types of test.
The ClusterCentersType enumeration contains variants of selecting initial cluster centers.
The ClusterCountSelectionType enumeration is used to determine the method of cluster count selection.
The ClusterLinkType enumeration contains methods of calculating distance between clusters.
The CREstimationMethodType enumeration is used to determine the method of approximate estimation.
The CriterionType enumeration contains search criteria.
The CrossValidationSamplingType enumeration is used to determine cross-validation method.
The CTModelType enumeration is used to determine the type of regression model.
The EasterEffectType enumeration is used to determine the type of adjustments for Easter.
The DataTransformationX12Type enumeration is used to determine the type of source series transformation.
The DecisionTreePropertyType enumeration is used to determine type of classifying variable.
The DendogramOrientationType enumeration contains types of dendogram orientation.
The DependenceCriterion enumeration contains criteria types used to select the best dependence form.
The DependenceType enumeration contains types of dependences for universal trend.
The DmMethodKind enumeration is used to determine data mining method.
The ECMType enumeration is used to determine the type of error correction model.
The EquationType enumeration is used to determine the type of model.
The ErrorDistributionType enumeration is used to determine the type of error distribution.
The F0SpectrumEstimationType enumeration is used to determine the method of calculation of adjusted variance.
The GARCHModelType enumeration contains model types for GARCH.
The GARCHOptimizationMethod enumeration is used to determine optimization method.
The GARCHSpecType enumeration is used to determine type of GARCH model.
The GLSWeightsType enumeration is used to determine the type of weights for regression on panel data.
The HCStoppingCriterionType enumeration is used to determine the criterion of stopping in the hierarchical cluster analysis.
The HEDistanceType enumeration is used to determine the method of Mahalanobis distance calculation.
The HPSmoothingParameterModeType enumeration contains methods of defining smoothing parameter for the Hodrick-Prescott filter.
The InformationCriterionType enumeration is used to determine the type of information criterion.
The InitCorrectionType enumeration contains precorrection types.
The InterceptMode enumeration contains modes of specifying a constant.
The KMeansModification enumeration is used to determine the method of clustering.
The KModesDistanceType enumeration is used to determine the method of calculating distance between points on clustering by the k-modes method.
The KStestDistributionType enumeration contains laws of distribution for an observed random value.
TheKStestHypothesisType enumeration contains variants of test statistics.
The LagLeadMethodType enumeration is used to determine the type of estimation of cointegration regression by the DOLS method.
The LagWindowType enumeration contains types of lag windows.
The LindoDouInfoType enumeration is used to determine type of real information about the LINDO calculation method.
The LindoIntInfoType enumeration is used to determine type of integer information about the LINDO calculation method.
The LindoProblemResultType enumeration is used to determine the solution type, which should be obtained by the LINDO module.
The LindoProblemResultWhichType enumeration is used to determine type of the problem, which solution should be extracted by the LINDO module.
The LindoProblemType enumeration is used to determine type of solved problem in the LINDO module.
The LindoSolverType enumeration is used to determine the solution method used by the LINDO module.
The LindoStrInfoType enumeration is used to determine type of string information about the LINDO calculation method.
The LinearEqSolutionType enumeration contains the method for calculating the next approximation when solving a linearized equation system.
The LPMethodType enumeration is used to determine the method of solving the task of linear proramming for lpsolve 5.5 external library.
The LRCBandwidthMethodType enumeration is used to determine the method of bandwidth in long-run covariance.
The LRCKernelType enumeration is used to determine kernel specification in long-run covariance.
The LRCLagSpecificationType enumeration is used to determine kernel specification in the long-run covariance.
The LRCWindowType enumeration is used to determine the type of window in the long-run covariance.
The LRLSType enumeration is used to determine the type of the least squares method.
The LRWeightsType enumeration is used to determine the type of weights for linear regression.
The MissingDataMethod enumeration contains methods of missing data treatment.
The NLOSolverType enumeration is used to determine the software used for solving of non-linear optimization problem.
The NLSOptimizationMethod enumeration is used to determine optimization method in the nonlinear least squares method.
The NonLinearEquationsType enumeration contains methods of calculating nonlinear equation systems.
The ObjectDistanceType enumeration contains methods of calculating distance between objects.
The OutlierSpecificationType enumeration is used to determine the type of outliers.
The OutliersType enumeration is used to determine the mode of outliers detection.
The PCAScoreType enumeration contains types of constraints imposed on principal components.
The Stat Assembly Enumerations enumeration contains methods of item cutting for a lag variable.
The PooledModelCrossSectionType enumeration contains types of models for panel data regression.
The PooledModelRandomEffectsMethodType enumeration is used to determine the method for estimation of random effects in panel data regression.
The QPSolverType enumeration contains types of solvers that can be used in quadratic programming task.
The RegressionEffectType enumeration is used to determine the type of regressor.
The SAPaddingType enumeration is used to determine the method for padding or truncating a series.
The SearchType enumeration contains types of parameter autosearch.
The SeasonalFilterType enumeration is used to determine the type of seasonal filters.
The SeasonalityCycleType enumeration contains types of additional seasonality used to specify seasonality period.
The SeasonalityType enumeration is used to determine the type of seasonality.
The SeasonalityTypeX12 enumeration is used to determine the type of seasonality.
The SimultaneousSystemMode enumeration is used to determine the method of estimation of linear systems of simultaneous equations.
The SLEMethodType enumeration is used to determine the method of solving linear equation system.
The StabilityAnalysisofSeasonalsX12Type enumeration is used to determine the method of stability analysis.
The StandartizationType enumeration contains methods of attributes standardization.
The SynapsysWeightsType enumeration is used to determine the method of synapse weights setting for self-organizing Kohonen maps.
The TradingDayEffectsX12Type enumeration is used to determine the type of adjustments for working days.
The TradingDayEffectsType enumeration is used to determine the type of adjustments for working days.
The TraidingDaysAdj enumeration contains the type of adjustments for working days.
The TransformationLogLevelType enumeration is used to determine the type of source series transformation.
The TrendSpecificationType enumeration is used to determine specifications of trend in main and secondary regressions
The TrendType enumeration contains trend types.
The VarianceAnalysisType enumeration contains types of variance analysis.
The WeightsScalingType enumeration is used to determine weight scaling method.

See also:

Stat Assembly Interfaces | Stat Assembly Classes | Examples