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Stat Assembly > Stat Assembly Classes

Stat Assembly Classes

The following classes exist within the Stat assembly:

  Class Brief description
The QRegStatistics class determines quantile regression characteristics.
The Sm2SLS class implements the instrumental variables method to estimate linear regression coefficients.
The SmARCHTest class is used to work with parameters of the ARCH test for heteroscedasticity.
Outdated. The SmArima class implements algorithm of statistics method ARIMA.
The SmAssociationRules class is used for data mining using the Association Analysis method.
The SmAugmentDickeyFullerTest class is used to work with parameters of the Dickey-Fuller augmented test.
The SmAutoCorrelation class implements algorithm of the autocorrelation analysis.
The SmAutoRegress class implements autoregression algorithm.
The SmBackPropagation class is used for data mining using the Backpropagation Network method.
The SmBandpassFilter class implements the Baxter-King algorithm.
The SmBetaDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from beta distribution with selected parameters.
The SmBinaryModel class implements the binary regression algorithm.
The SmBinning class is used to work with the Binning procedure.
The SmBinomialDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from discrete binomial distribution with selected parameters.
The SmBoxConstrainedOptimization class is used to work with optimization parameters of random type function.
The SmBreuschPaganGodfreyTest class is used to work with parameters of the Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey test for heteroscedasticity.
The SmBreuschPaganTest class is used to work with parameters of the Breusch-Pagan test.
The SmCART class is used to cope with classification tasks using binary tree building.
The SmCauchyDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from the Cauchy distribution with selected location parameter (median) and scale parameter.
The SmCensoredTruncatedRegression class is used to estimate linear regression with truncated or censored data.
The SmCensus1 class implements the Census I method that decomposes a source series into a seasonal, trend-cycle and irregular components.
The SmCensus2 class implements the X11 method which is an improved version of the seasonal decomposition and adjustment method called Census I.
The SmChi2Distribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from χ2 (chi-square) distribution with selected number of degrees of freedom.
The SmChowTest class implements algorithm of the Chow test for the presence of structural changes.
The SmCointegratingRegression class is used to work with cointegration regression.
The SmCointegrationEq class implements algorithm of the error correction method.
The SmCurveEstimation class implements algorithm of dependence form selection.
The SmDecisionTree class is used to substitute missing data in series values using a decision tree.
The SmDerivative class is designed to calculate derivatives.
The SmDickeyFullerGLSTest class is used to work with parameters of the Dickey-Fuller generalized test.
The SmDiscriminantAnalysis class is used for data mining using the Discriminatory Analysis method.
The SmElliotRothenbergStockTest class is used to work with parameters of the Elliot-Rothenberg-Stock test.
The SmEngleGrangerTest class is used to work with parameters of the Engle-Granger test.
The SmErrorCorrectionModel class implements algorithm of error correction model (ECM) calculation.
The SmExponentialDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from exponential distribution with selected expected value.
The SmExponentialSmoothing class implements exponential smoothing algorithm.
The SmFillGapsProcedure class implements algorithm of missing data treatment in data series.
The SmFisherDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from the Fisher distribution with two selected degrees of freedom.
The SmFisherTest class implements the Fisher test algorithm.
The SmGammaDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from gamma distribution with selected shape and scale parameters.
The SmGARCH class implements algorithm of the generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic model (GARCH model).
The SmGeneralizedExtremeValueDistribution class estimates parameters of distribution of extreme values using the method of maximum likelihood.
The SmGeneralizedParetoDistribution class estimates parameters of the generalized Pareto distribution using the method of maximum likelihood.
The SmGeometricExtrapolation class implements algorithm of geometric extrapolation.
The SmGradientBoostedTree class is used to set up parameters of gradient boosting calculation.
The SmGrangerTest class implements the Granger test algorithm.
The SmGreyForecast class implements Grey forecast algorithm.
The SmHierarchicalClusterAnalysis class implements algorithm of hierarchical cluster analysis.
The SmHighlightExceptions class is used for data mining using the Exception Search method.
The SmHodrickPrescottFilter class implements algorithm of the Hodrick-Prescott filter.
The SmHyperGeometricDistribution class enables user to generate (based on selected parameters) a sample of pseudo-random numbers from discrete hypergeometric distribution of the number of "successes" in a sample from a finite population that contains "successful elements" ("successes").
The SmJohansenTest class implements the Johansen test algorithm.
The SmKmeansClusterAnalysis class implements algorithm for clustering using the k-means method.
The SmKolmogorovSmirnovTest class implements algorithm of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
The ISmKwiatkowskiPhillipsSchmidtShinTest interface is used to work with parameters of the Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin test.
The SmLIML class is used to work with the maximum likelihood method with limited information and K-class estimation method.
The SmLinearEquations class implements algorithm of solving linear equation system.
The SmLinearProgramming class implements linear programming algorithm (the Simplex method).
The SmLinearRegress class implements algorithm of the linear regression method.
The SmLogisticDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from logistic distribution with selected location parameter (median) and scale parameter.
The SmLogisticRegression class is used for data mining using the Logistic Regression method.
The SmLogNormalDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from lognormal distribution with selected expected value and variance.
The SmLongRunCovariance class is used to work with long-run covariance.
The SmLRXFilter class implements algorithm of LRX filter.
The SmMarkovSwitchingGARCH class is used to work with MS-GARCH model (Markov switching GARCH) with one variable parameter: average variance value.
The SmMedianSmoothing class implements algorithm of median smoothing.
The SmMultiNormalDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from multivariate normal distribution.
The SmNaiveBayes class is used to detect key influencers using the naive Bayes classifier.
The ISmNgPerronTest class is used to work with parameters of the Ng-Perron test.
The SmNonLinearEquations class implements algorithm of non-linear equation system.
The SmNonLinearLeastSquare class implements algorithm of the non-linear least squares method.
The SmNonLinearOptimization class implements algorithm of optimization for an arbitrary function under non-linear constraints.
The SmNormalDistribution class enables the user to generate vector of pseudo-random numbers based on normal distribution with selected average of distribution (expected value) and variance.
The SmOmittedVariablesTest class implements algorithm of omitted variables test.
The SmPairCorrelation class implements algorithm for calculating paired correlation coefficients.
The SmParetoDistribution class implements algorithm of the Pareto distribution.
The SmPartialCorrelation class implements algorithm for calculating partial coefficients of correlation.
The SmPhilipsOuliarisTest class is used to work with parameters of the Phillips-Ouliaris test.
The SmPhilipsPerronTest class is used to work with parameters of the Phillips-Perron test.
The SmPoissonDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random integer numbers from the discrete Poisson distribution with specified intensity of events.
The SmPooledModel class implements algorithm of  Panel Data Regression.
The SmPrincipalComponentAnalysis class implements algorithm of the principal components method.
The SmQPortions class implements algorithm used to calculate median, quartiles, percentiles and deciles.
The SmQuadraticProgramming class implements a task of  Quadratic Programming.
The SmQuantileRegression class implements the quantile regression method.
The SmR class is used for integration with R.
The SmRamseyRESSETTest class implements algorithm of the RESET test, that is the test that finds errors in specification of linear regression model (Functional form criterion).
The ISmRandomForest interface is used to work with the Random Forest decision tree ensemble.
The SmRedundantVariablesTest class implements algorithm of test for redundant variables.
The SmRManager class is used to set the patch to the installed and integrated with Foresight. Analytics Platform R package.
The ISmRollingRegression class is used to work with parameters of moving regression.
The SmSelfOrganizingMap class is used for data clustering using self-organizing Kohonen maps.
The SmSerialCorrelationLMTest class implements algorithm of test for autocorrelation of linear regression model residuals.
The SmSimultaneousSystem class implements algorithm for solving simultaneous equation system.
The SmSingularSpectrumAnalysis class is used to perform singular spectrum analysis of time series.
TheSmSlideSmoothing class implements moving average algorithm.
The SmStudentDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from the Student's distribution with selected number of degrees of freedom.
The SmUniformDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from continuous uniform distribution at the range [a, b].
The SmUnivariateSpectrumAnalysis class implements spectral analysis algorithm.
The SmVarianceAnalysis class implements variance analysis algorithm.
The SmVectorAutoRegress class implements algorithm for vector autoregression calculation or for impulse response function calculation.
The SmWeibullDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from the two-parameter Weibull distribution with selected shape and scale parameters.
The SmWhiteHeteroskedasticityTest class implements algorithm of the White test for heteroskedasticity of linear regression model residuals.
The ISmx12arima class is used to work with the X12 method of seasonal adjustments.
The Statistics class implements algorithm of statistical functions.

See also:

Stat Assembly Interfaces | Stat Assembly Enumerations | Examples