Stat Assembly > Stat Assembly Enumerations > LindoDouInfoType
The LindoDouInfoType enumeration is used to determine type of real information about the LINDO calculation method.
It is used by the following method:
Value | Brief description |
11301 | DINFO_MIP_OBJ. MIP objective value. |
11302 | DINFO_MIP_BESTBOUND. Best bound on MIP objective. |
11347 | DINFO_MIP_TOT_TIME. Total CPU time spent for solving a MIP, including time for model loading and unloading, optimization and heuristics. |
11348 | DINFO_MIP_OPT_TIME. CPU time spent for optimizing the MIP. |
11349 | DINFO_MIP_HEU_TIME. CPU time spent in MIP presolver and other heuristics. |
11351 | DINFO_MIP_SOLOBJVAL_LAST_BRANCH. Objective value of the relaxation at the last branch. |
11353 | DINFO_MIP_PFEAS. Primal infeasibility of the resident integer solution. |
11354 | DINFO_MIP_INTPFEAS. Integer infeasibility of the resident integer solution. |
11357 | DINFO_MIP_FP_SUMFEAS. Code for getting information about the current state after optimization. |
11358 | DINFO_MIP_RELMIPGAP. Code for getting information about the current state after optimization. |
11359 | DINFO_MIP_ROOT_OPT_TIME. Code for getting information about the current state after optimization. |
11360 | DINFO_MIP_ROOT_PRE_TIME. Code for getting information about the current state after optimization. |
11362 | DINFO_MIP_SIM_ITER. Number of simplex iterations performed for solving a MIP. |
11363 | DINFO_MIP_BAR_ITER. Number of barrier iterations performed for solving a MIP. |
11364 | DINFO_MIP_NLP_ITER. Number of non-linear iterations performed for solving a MIP. |
11366 | DINFO_MIP_FP_TIME. Code for getting information about the current state after optimization. |
11369 | DINFO_MIP_ABSGAP. Absolute gap at current MIP solution. |
11370 | DINFO_MIP_RELGAP. Relative gap at current MIP solution. |
For details on integer information see LINDO documentation.
See also: