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Laner > Laner Assembly Interfaces

Laner Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
The ILaner interface contains properties and methods of time series database workbook in series mode.
The ILanerAttributeColumn interface contains properties used to work with the displayed series attribute.
The ILanerAttributeColumns interface contains properties and methods used to work with the collection of displayed series attributes.
The ILanerAttributes interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of series attributes.
Outdated. The ILanerCalculateGroupSerie interface contains properties and methods used to work with a group of calculated series.
The ILanerCalculateSerie interface contains properties and methods used to work with a calculated series.
The ILanerCellAttribute interface is used to work with the attribute used to form suffix, prefix and comment for data series observations.
The ILanerCellAttributes interface is used to work with collection of the attributes used to form suffix, prefix and comment for data series observations.
The ILanerCellStyle interface contains properties and methods used to work with the formatting style of data table cells.
The ILanerInversionColumn interface contains properties used to work with the workbook sidehead column, that displays the initial transformation of the series.
The ILanerColumn interface contains properties and methods used to work with a column of a workbook sidehead.
The ILanerContext interface contains properties and methods used to work with the context in which data is synchronized between time series database workbooks.
The ILanerDatabaseColumn interface is used to work with a column in a sidehead of the workbook, that contains the series database information.
The ILanerDerivedSerie interface contains properties and methods used to work with child series of the calculated series.
The ILanerFilter interface is used to set up the data filtering in a workbook.
The ILanerGroupSerie interface contains properties used to work with a series, which is a series group itself.
The ILanerHeader interface contains properties used to work with the sidehead of working area.
The ILanerLeftHeader interface contains properties used to work with the header sidehead.
The ILanerMetaAttributeValue interface contains properties used to work with an attribute.
The ILanerMetaAttributeValueList interface contains properties and methods used to work with attribute values collection without the functions of adding and removing available.
The ILanerMetaAttributeValue interface contains properties and methods used to work with the collection of attributes.
The ILanerNameColumn interface is used to work with the column of workbook sidehead that contains series name.
The ILanerScenarioColumn interface contains properties used to work with workbook sidehead column, that displays the name of the scenario, which data is contained in the series.
The ILanerSerie interface contains properties used to work with working area series.
The ILanerSerieDisplayParams interface contains properties used to set up parameters of series data displaying.
The ILanerSerieList interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of working area series without the functions of adding and removing available.
The ILanerSeries interface contains properties and methods used to work with working area series collection.
The ILanerSeriesSet interface contains properties and methods used to manipulate the set of series.
The ILanerSorter interface is used to work with options of workbook sorting.
The ILanerSorterData interface is used to work with sorting options for values of time series observations.
The ILanerSorterHeader interface is used to work with options of workbook sorting based on values of time series attributes.
Outdated. Use ILanerCalculateSerie.
The ILanerTable interface contains properties and methods used to work with the data table, that is created as a result of calculation of the working area.
The ILanerTopHeader interface contains properties used to work with the title head.
The ILanerTransformPeriod interface is used to work with the options of calculation period for the calculated series.
The IValidationFilterModel interface contains properties used to work with settings of a validation filter.
The IValidationFilterSettings interface contains properties used to work with settings of a validation filter.
The IVirtualMetaObject interface is used to work with the objects that are not repository objects, and that are child objects of reports.

See also:

Laner Assembly Enumerations | Laner Assembly Classes | Examples