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Laner > Laner Assembly Interfaces > ILanerDerivedSerie



The ILanerDerivedSerie interface contains properties and methods used to work with child series of the calculated series.


  Property name Brief description
The DerivedType property returns a child series type.
The FactorIndex property returns a child series index, if this series is a factor.


  Method name Brief description
The CreateFactor method creates a factor based on a calculated series.

Properties inherited from ILanerSerie

  Property name Brief description
The CalendarDim property returns series calendar.
The Dependencies property returns the series included into the given series.
The Dependents property returns series that contain the given series.
The DisplayParams property returns display parameters of series data.
The Hidden property determines whether a series is hidden in the workbook.
The Hint property determines text of the tooltip displayed for a data series.
The IsChanged property returns whether series data has any changes.
The Kind property returns a type of series.
The Laner property returns the time series database workbook that contains the given series.
The Level property returns calendar frequency of a series.
The MetaAttributeValueList property returns a collection of series attributes values.
The ObservationAttributeInValue property determines a name of the observation attribute, values of which are displayed in the workbook table.
The ObservationValue property determines observation attribute value of a factor in defined calendar point.
The Parent property returns a group that contains the series.
The ReadOnly property determines whether a series is read-only.
The ScenarioDimension property returns scenario dimension of series.
The SelectedUnit property determines measuring units used to display series data.
The StrictlyDefined property returns whether all mandatory attributes of the series are defined.
The Stub property returns source of series data.
The UserName property determines whether the user defined a name for the time series.
The Visible property determines whether a series is visible in the workbook.

Properties Inherited from  INamedEntity

  Property name Brief description
The Id property determines the object identifier.
The Key property returns the object key.
The Name property determines the object name.

Methods Inherited from ILanerSerie

  Method name Brief description
The MoveToParent method moves the series into the specified group of series.
The SearchFactor method searches in the time series database for a series that has the same values of the mandatory attributes as the current series.

See also:

Laner Assembly Interfaces