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Laner > Laner Assembly Interfaces > ILaner


Assembly: Laner;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Laner;


The ILaner interface contains properties and methods of time series database workbook in series mode.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
The AttributeColumns property returns collection of displayed series attributes.
Outdated. Use ILaner.AttributeColumns.
The AutoRecalc property determines state of the Automatic Recalculation option.
The CalendarDim property returns calendar dictionary of the working area.
The CalendarSelection property returns the calendar selection used in the workbook.
The CellStyle property returns formatting style of data table cells.
Outdated. The CheckExceptions property determines state of the Display Validation Errors option.
The CommentAttributes property returns collection of attributes used to form comments to series observations.
The CreateDerivedSeries property determines whether to display child series for calculated series.
The DisplayDataAs property determines a mode of displaying values for calculated series.
The CurrentRevision property determines current series revision.
The Dependencies property returns workbooks, which this workbook depends on.
The Dependents property returns workbooks that depend on the current workbook.
The EndDate property determines the date, after which workbook values are not displayed.
The EndDateParamId property determines identifier of the parameter that sets the end date of displaying data in the workbook.
Outdated. Use ILaner.EndDate.
The Filter property returns parameters of filtering data in the workbook.
Not supported.The ForecastStartDate property determines the date, before which the identification data of the workbook is displayed.
Not supported. The ForecastStartYear property determines the year, starting from which forecast values for all the workbook series are to be calculated.
The IdentByFact property determines whether the data is taken for sample period by the Fact scenario.
The IsInContext property returns whether the workbook is registered in a context.
The ObservationAttributeInComment property determines a name of the observation attribute displayed in a comment to series values.
The PermanentData property determines the method of loading and saving of time series data.
The ReverseOrder property determines sequence order of calendar elements.
The RubricatorInstance property determines data of time series database.
Outdated. The SaveModelsWithInputFactor property determines whether to save models together with an input factor.
The SerieFootnoteAttributes property returns collection of attributes used to create footnotes of series headers.
The Series property returns collection of working area series.
Outdated. Use ILanerTable.SeriesList.
The Sorter property returns sorting options for the workbook.
The StartDate property determines the date, starting with which values in a workbook are displayed.
The StartDateParamId property determines identifier of the parameter that sets the start date of displaying data in the workbook.
Outdated. Use ILaner.StartDate.
Outdated. UseILanerFilter.SuppressEmpty.
The TransformationHistory property determines whether to display a tooltip of changing the factor value.
The UsedRubricators property returns a collection of time series databases that are used as data sources for the workbook.
The ValidationExecKey property determines the key of validation rule execution.
The ValueFootnoteAttributes property returns collection of attributes used to create data area footnotes.
The ValuePrefixAttributes property returns collection of attributes used to form a prefix for series observations.
The ValueSuffixAttributes property returns collection of attributes used to form a suffix for series observations.


  Method name Brief description
The BeginUpdate method enables the user to stop redrawing of workbook.
The CheckAttributesCompliance method checks whether the list of workbook attributes corresponds to the list of attributes of the parent time series database.
The EndUpdate method enables the user to resume redrawing of workbook.
The Execute method calculates working area and returns the table, containing its data.
The FlushCache method is used to flush dimension cache for time series database workbook.
The Refresh method updates values set by parameters.
The RefreshAttributesStructure method refreshes the workbook attributes according to the parent time series database.
The SaveChangedSeries method saves data of working area series.
The SaveChangesToModels method saves changes in factors data obtained from a modeling container model, to the original model.
The SaveProblem method saves working area data as a modeling problem.
The Update method exits edit mode without saving the data.

See also:

Laner Assembly Interfaces