Laner > Laner Assembly Interfaces > ILaner > ILaner.CellStyle
CellStyle(CellType: LnCellType): ILanerCellStyle;
CellType is cell type.
The CellStyle property returns formatting style of data table cells.The type of the cells, which formatting style needs to be retrieved, is determined by the CellType parameter.
NOTE. The property returns the formatting style for any cell type, except the LnCellType.Normal.
Executing the example requires a form with the Button1 button, the TabSheetBox component and the UiErAnalyzer component named UiErAnalyzer1 that is a data source for TabSheetBox. UiErAnalyzer1 must contain the working area of the time series database that contains the spliced series.
Click the button to start executing this example.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
ErAnalyzer: IEaxAnalyzer;
Laner: ILaner;
Style: ILanerCellStyle;
Grid: IEaxGrid;
ErAnalyzer := UiErAnalyzer1.ErAnalyzer;
Laner := ErAnalyzer.Laner;
Style := Laner.CellStyle(LnCellType.Splice);
// Changing font color for red
Style.FontColor := GxColor.FromName("Red");
// Changing cells background color for orange
Style.BackgroundColor := GxColor.FromName("Orange");
// Changing font for Arial
Style.Font := New GxFont.Create("Arial", 8);
Grid := ErAnalyzer.Grid;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
After executing this example, formatting for series cells, that are the child ones for the resulting spliced series, is changed:
See also: