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Modeller > Modeller Assembly Interfaces

Modeller Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
IEmARIMASettings The IEmARIMASettings interface determines ARIMA method calculation parameters.
IEmAutoCorrelationSettings The IEmAutoCorrelationSettings interface determines Autocorrelation Analysis method calculation parameters.
IEmAutoRegressionSettings The IEmAutoRegressionSettings interface determines Autoregression method calculation parameters.
IEmCensus1Settings The IEmCensus1Settings interface determines Census 1 method calculation parameters.
IEmCensus2Settings The IEmCensus2Settings interface determines Census 2 method calculation parameters.
IEmChowTestSettings The IEmChowTestSettings interface determines Chow Stability Test method calculation parameters.
IEmClusterAnalysisSettings The IEmClusterAnalysisSettings interface determines Hierarchic Cluster Analysis method calculation parameters.
IEmComputingSerie The IEmComputingSerie interface is used to work with a calculated series.
IEmCurveEstimationSettings The IEmCurveEstimationSettings interface determines Curve Estimation method calculation parameters.
IEmExponentialSmoothingSettings The IEmExponentialSmoothingSettings interface determines Exponential Smoothing method calculation parameters.
IEmFisherTestSettings The IEmFisherTestSettings interface determines Fisher Test method calculation parameters.
IEmHeader The IEmHeader interface determines data header parameters.
IEmHistory The IEmHistory interface is used to work with the express modeling methods calculations history.
IEmHistoryItem The IEmHistoryItem interface is used to work with the express modeling methods calculations history record.
IEmHodrickPrescottFilterSettings The IEmHodrickPrescottFilterSettings interface determines Hodrick-Prescott Filter method calculation parameters.
IEmLinearRegressionSettings The IEmLinearRegressionSettings interface determines Linear Regression method calculation parameters.
IEmMedianSmoothingSettings The IEmMedianSmoothingSettings interface determines Median Smoothing method calculation parameters.
IEmMethodSettings The IEmMethodSettings interface is used to work with common parameters of the express modeling method calculation.
IEmMissingDataSettings The IEmMissingDataSettings interface determines missing data treatment method parameters in the series values.
IEmOmittedVariablesTestSettings The IEmOmittedVariablesTestSettings interface determines Missing Variables Criterion method calculation parameters.
IEmPairCorrelationSettings The IEmPairCorrelationSettings interface determines Paired Correlation Coefficients Calculation method calculation parameters.
IEmPartialCorrelationSettings The IEmPartialCorrelationSettings interface determines Partial Correlation Coefficients Calculation method calculation parameters.
IEmPeriodSettings The IEmPeriodSettings interface is used to work with calculation periods of the express modeling method.
IEmRamseyRessetTestSettings The IEmRamseyRessetTestSettings interface determines Functional Form Criterion method calculation parameters.
IEmRedundantVariablesTestSettings The IEmRedundantVariablesTestSettings interface determines Redundant Variables Criterion method calculation parameters.
IEmReportSettings The IEmReportSettings interface determines express modeling method calculation report parameters.
IEmSections The IEmSections interface is used to work with express modeling method report sections.
IEmSerialCorellationLMTestSettings The IEmSerialCorellationLMTestSettings interface determines Godfrey Criterion of Residual Autocorrelation method calculation parameters.
IEmSerie The IEmSerie interface is used to work with the data series.
IEmSeries The IEmSeries interface is used to work with express modeling source series collection.
IEmSeriesList The IEmSeriesList interface is used to work with express modeling method series collection.
IEmSlideSmoothingSettings The IEmSlideSmoothingSettings interface determines the Moving Average method calculation parameters.
IEmStatisticsSettings The IEmStatisticsSettings interface determines the Summary Statistics Calculation method parameters.
IEmUnivariateSpectrumAnalysisSettings The IEmUnivariateSpectrumAnalysisSettings interface determines Spectrum Analysis method calculation parameters.
IEmVarianceAnalysisSettings The IEmVarianceAnalysisSettings interface determines Variance Analysis method calculation parameters.
IEmWhiteHeteroskedasticityTestSettings The IEmWhiteHeteroskedasticityTestSettings interface determines the White Test for Heteroskedasticity method calculation parameters.
IExpressModeller The IExpressModeller interface is used to create an object that determines express modeling parameters.

See also:

Modeller Assembly Enumerations | Modeller Assembly Classes