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Modeller > Modeller Assembly Interfaces > IEmCensus2Settings


Assembly: Modeller;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Modeller;


The IEmCensus2Settings interface determines Census 2 method calculation parameters.

Inheritance hierarchy




To create an object with calculation parameters use the IExpressModeller.CreateCensus2Settings method.


  Property name Brief description
A1 The A1 property determines whether source series is included to the report.
A2 The A2 property determines whether prior monthly adjustments are included to the report.
A3 The A3 property determines whether source series, corrected using the prior monthly adjustments, is included to the report.
A4 The A4 property determines whether prior working days adjustments are included to the report.
B1 The B1 property determines whether prior corrected series is included to the report.
B10 The B10 property determines whether seasonal component is included to the report.
B11 The B11 property determines whether seasonal series adjustment is included to the report.
B13 The B13 property determines whether irregular series component is included to the report.
B14 The B14 property determines whether irregular component outliers that were excluded from working days regression, are included to the report.
B15 The B15 property determines whether preliminary working days regression is included to the report.
B16 The B16 property determines whether working days number adjustments, that derived from regression coefficients, are included to the report.
B17 The B17 property determines whether preliminary weights of the irregular component are included to the report.
B18 The B18 property determines whether working days number adjustments, that derived from combined weights of week days, are included to the report.
B19 The B19 property determines whether source series with working days and prior variation adjustments is included to the report.
B2 The B2 property determines whether trend-cycle component is included.
B3 The B3 property determines whether unmodified S-I differences and relationships are included to the report.
B4 The B4 property determines whether values for S-I differences/relationships outliers replacement are included to the report.
B5 The B5 property determines whether seasonal component is included to the report.
B6 The B6 property determines whether seasonal series adjustment is included to the report.
B7 The B7 property determines whether trend-cycle component is included.
B8 The B8 property determines whether unmodified S-I differences and relationships are included to the report.
B9 The B9 property determines whether values for S-I differences/relationships outliers corrections are included to the report.
C1 The C1 property determines whether source series, that was modified by preliminary weights with working days and prior variation adjustments, is included to the report.
C10 The C10 property determines whether seasonal component is included to the report.
C11 The C11 property determines whether seasonal series adjustment is included to the report.
C13 The C13 property determines whether irregular component is included to the report.
C14 The C14 property determines whether irregular component outliers that were excluded from working days regression, are included to the report.
C15 The C15 property determines whether working days regression is included to the report (final variant).
C16 The C16 property determines whether working days number adjustments, that derived from regression coefficients, are included to the report (final variant).
C17 The 17 property determines whether final weights of the irregular component are included to the report.
C18 The C18 property determines whether working days number adjustments, that derived from combined week days weights, are included to the report (final variant).
C19 The C19 property determines whether source series with working days and prior variation adjustments is included to the report.
C2 The C2 property determines whether trend-cycle component is included.
C4 The C4 property determines whether modified S-I differences (relationships) are included to the report.
C5 The C5 property determines whether seasonal component is included to the report.
C6 The C6 property determines whether seasonal series adjustment is included to the report.
C7 The C7 property determines whether trend-cycle component is included.
C9 The C9 property determines whether modified S-I differences (relationships) are included to the report.
D1 The D1 property determines whether source series, that was modified by final weights with working days and prior variation adjustments, is included to the report.
D10 The D10 property determines whether seasonal component is included to the report (final variant).
D11 The D11 property determines whether seasonal series adjustment is included to the report (final variant).
D12 The D12 property determines whether trend-cycle component is included to the report (final variant).
D13 The D13 property determines whether irregular component is included to the report (final variant).
D2 The D2 property determines whether trend-cycle component is included.
D20 The D20 property determines whether finally grouped smoothing factors are included to the report.
D4 The D4 property determines whether modified S-I differences (relationships) are included to the report.
D5 The D5 property determines whether seasonal component is included to the report.
D6 The D6 property determines whether seasonal series adjustment is included to the report.
D7 The D7 property determines whether trend-cycle component is included.
D8 The D8 property determines whether unmodified S-I differences/relationships are included to the report (final variant).
D9 The D9 property determines whether final values for S-I differences/relationships outliers corrections are included to the report.
DailyWeights The DailyWeights property determines weight coefficients for the week days.
E1 The E1 property determines whether modified source series is included to the report.
E2 The E2 property determines whether series with seasonality adjustment is included to the report.
E3 The E3 property determines whether modified irregular component is included to the report.
E4 The E4 property determines whether differences (relationships) of yearly sums are included to the report.
E5 The E5 property determines whether differences (relative variations) are included to the report.
E6 The E6 property determines whether to include in the calculation differences (relative changes) of the final variant of the series with seasonal adjustment.
F1 The F1 property determines whether MCD/QCD moving average is included to the report.
F2 The F2 property determines whether combined factors are included to the report.
F3 The F3 property determines whether quality estimation data is included to the report.
MovingAverage The MovingAverage property determines moving average values.
SeasonalComponentCycleType The SeasonalComponentCycleType property determines seasonality period type.
Seasonality The Seasonality property determines seasonality type.
SeasonalityCycle It is not implemented. Use SeasonalComponentCycleType.
Serie The Serie property determines a smoothable series.
SigmaLower The SigmaLower property determines sigma lower limit.
SigmaUpper The SigmaUpper property determines sigma upper limit.
StartMonthOrQuarter The StartMonthOrQuarter property determines initial month/quarter.
StartYear The StartYear property determines the initial year.
TraidingDaysAdjustment The TraidingDaysAdjustment property determines working days adjustment variant.

Properties inherited from IEmMethodSettings

  Property name Brief description
Format The Format property determines a set of sections displayed in the report of express modeling method calculation.
MissingData The MissingData property returns missing initial data processing parameters, used by the express modeling method.
Period The Period property returns calculation period parameters for the express modeling method.
ReportSettings The ReportSettings property returns report parameters for calculating the express modeling method.
Sections The Sections property returns report sections data of express modeling method calculation.

See also:

Modeller Assembly Interfaces | TheX11 Method