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Modeller > Modeller Assembly Interfaces > IEmUnivariateSpectrumAnalysisSettings


Assembly: Modeller;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Modeller;


The IEmUnivariateSpectrumAnalysisSettings interface determines Spectrum Analysis method calculation parameters.

Inheritance hierarchy




Spectrum analysis enables the user to recognize seasonal fluctuations of different length, while in other analysis types the length of seasonal components is also known (or supposed) beforehand and then are included in some theoretical models of moving average or autocorrelation.

To create an object with calculation parameters, use the IExpressModeller.CreateUnivariateSpectrumAnalysisSettings method.


  Property name Brief description
CalculateCovariances The CalculateCovariances property determines the method of setting covariances.
Covariances The Covariances property determines covariance values.
CovariancesCount The CovariancesCount property determines number of covariances.
CutOffPoint The CutOffPoint property determines the cutoff point.
DataProportion The DataProportion property determines boundary data proportion.
FastFourierTransformOrder The FastFourierTransformOrder property determines the order of fast Fourier transform.
FrequencyDevision The FrequencyDevision property determines the frequency divisor value.
InitCorrection The InitCorrection property determines preliminary correction type.
LagWindow The LagWindow property determines the lag window type.
LoggedSpectralEstimates The LoggedSpectralEstimates property determines whether spectral estimates shift is used.
Serie The Serie property determines the source series.
ShapeParameter The ShapeParameter property determines shape parameter value.

Properties inherited from IEmMethodSettings

  Property name Brief description
Format The Format property determines a set of sections displayed in the report of express modeling method calculation.
MissingData The MissingData property returns missing initial data processing parameters, used by the express modeling method.
Period The Period property returns calculation period parameters for the express modeling method.
ReportSettings The ReportSettings property returns report parameters for calculating the express modeling method.
Sections The Sections property returns report sections data of express modeling method calculation.

See also:

Modeller Assembly Interfaces | Spectrum Analysis