Modeller > Modeller Assembly Enumerations > EmStatMethod
The EmStatMethod enumeration is used to determine express modeling calculation method.
It is used by the following property:
Value | Brief description |
0 | LinearRegress. Linear regression. |
1 | ExpSmooth. Exponential smoothing. |
2 | CurveEstimation. Curve estimation. |
4 | OmittedVariablesTest. Missing variables criterion. |
5 | RamseyRessetTest. Functional form criterion. |
6 | SerialCorellationLMTest. Godfrey criterion of residual autocorrelation. |
7 | WhiteHeteroskedasticityTest. White heteroscedasticity test. |
8 | RedundantVariablesTest. Redundant variables criterion. |
9 | Statistics. Summary statistics calculation. |
10 | PairCorrelation. Paired correlation coefficients calculation. |
11 | PartialCorrelation. Partial correlation coefficients calculation. |
12 | ClusterAnalysis. Hierarchical cluster analysis. |
13 | AutoCorrelation. Autocorrelation analysis. |
14 | AutoRegression. Autoregression. |
15 | MedianSmooth. Median smoothing. |
16 | SlideSmooth. Moving average. |
17 | HodrickPrescott. Hodrick-Prescott filter. |
18 | Census1. Census 1. |
19 | Census2. Census 2. |
20 | SpectrumAnalysis. Spectrum analysis. |
21 | VarianceAnalysis. Variance analysis. |
22 | FisherTest. Fisher test. |
23 | ChowTest. Chow test. |
Depending on the method the following interfaces are used to work with its calculation parameters:
See also: