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Fore > Fore Assembly Interfaces

Fore Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
The IAppServerClass interface contains methods used to work with the task scheduler.
The IBaseMethod interface provides basic settings of custom methods.
The IDefaultBehaviour interface contains properties to work with default settings.
The IDocument interface contains properties and methods of the Document repository object.
The IDocumentBase interface contains basic methods used to load and save data to Document.
The IEtlTemplate interface is used to work with custom template of the ETL task data source or consumer.
The IEtlTemplates interface is used to work with collection of custom templates of the ETL task sources or consumers.
The IExecuteSubScheduledTask interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the task of the scheduled tasks container that executes the unit.
The IExternReferenceLogger interface is used to manage logging of external links counter change.
The IForeAssembly interface is used to work with assemblies constructions.
The IForeAssemblyBinary interface is used to work with assembly metadata.
The IForeClass interface is used to work with constructions that can be implemented in Fore assembly.
The IForeCriticalSection interface is used to work with a critical section used on working with threads.
The IForeMethod interface contains properties and methods used to work with the custom method.
The IForeMethodParam interface includes properties used to work with the custom method parameter.
The IForeMethodParams interface contains properties and methods used to work with collection of the custom method parameters.
The IForeMethods interface contains properties and methods used to work with collection of the custom methods.
The IForeObject interface is used to work with Fore class instance.
The IForeObjectsGraph interface is used to manage objects graph in memory.
The IForeRuntime interface is used to work with Fore code execution environment.
The IForeSerializer interface contains basic methods that are used to save and load development environment assemblies/units/forms.
The IForeSerializerLoader interface contains properties and methods that are used to load development environment assemblies/units/forms.
The IForeServices interface is used to get access to Fore code execution environment.
The IForeSub interface is used to work with custom methods and with class constructors.
The IForeSubParam interface is used to work with procedure/function/constructor parameter.
The IForeSubParams interface is used to manage parameters of procedures/functions/constructors that are implemented in repository assemblies.
The IForeThread interface is used to control a thread.
The IForeVar interface is used to work with fields of Fore class instances.
The IRepositoryScriptCallback interface contains methods that implement the events Occurring during execution of operations with repository.
The IRepositoryScriptManager interface contains properties and methods used to work with repository manager.
The IResourceExporter interface contains properties and methods applied to export the Resources repository object.
The IResourceImporter interface contains properties and methods used for import Resources repository object.
The IResourceImporterLog interface contains properties used to work with the report about resource import process.
The IScheduledEvent interface contains properties and methods used to work with the task execution event scheduled for future.
The IScheduledEvents interface contains properties and methods used to work with collection of tasks execution events that were scheduled for future.
The IScheduledInvoke interface contains properties and methods used to work with the task execution event.
The IScheduledTask interface contains basic properties and methods of the tasks that are executed in the scheduled tasks container.
The IScheduledTaskAlert interface is used to work with the event, on occurring of which the task is executed.
The IScheduledTaskAlerts interface is used to work with collection of the events, on occurring of which the task is executed.
The IScheduledTaskAuditAlert interface is used to set up task execution schedule on occurring a system event.
The IScheduledTaskChecker interface is used to work with execution conditions of the task performed in scheduled tasks container.
The IScheduledTaskCustomAlert interface is used to set up task execution on occurring a configured event.
The IScheduledTaskModuleChecker interface is used to set up the unit, on executing of which the task is performed.
The IScheduledTaskPeriod interface contains basic properties and methods that determine parameters of the task calculation period.
The IScheduledTaskPeriodDaily interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of daily task calculation.
The IScheduledTaskPeriodMonthly interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of monthly task calculation.
The IScheduledTaskPeriodOneTimeOnly interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of one-time task calculation.
The IScheduledTaskPeriodTimely interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of the task calculation over defined time intervals.
The IScheduledTaskPeriodWeekly interface contains properties and methods that determine parameters of weekly task calculation.
The IScheduledTaskProperties interface contains basic properties and methods that determine task parameters.
The IScheduledTaskResult interface contains properties and methods of recording in the history of task execution.
The IScheduledTaskResults interface contains properties and methods used to work with collection of records in the history of task execution.
The IScheduledTasksContainer interface contains properties and methods of the Scheduled Tasks Container repository object.
The IScheduledTaskValidationChecker interface is used to set up the validation rule which execution performs the task.
The ISharedAdhocPlugin interface is used to work with a plugin in the Dashboards tool.
The ISharedAdhocPlugins interface is used to work with the collection of plugins connected in the Dashboards tool.
The ISharedEventHandler interface is used to work with event handler  of reports.
The SharedEventHandlers interface is used to work with event handlers  of reports.
The ISharedParams interface is used to work with global variables.
The ISharedPlugins interface is used to work with plugins.
The ISharedPluginsContainer interface is used to work with a plugin container.
The ISheduledAuditEvent interface is used to work with the system event, on occurring of which the task is executed.
The IUiMetabaseObject interface contains basic properties and methods of the components that access the repository objects.
The IUiMetabaseObjectParams interface contains properties and methods of the UiMetabaseObjectParams.

See also:

Fore Assembly Enumerations | Fore Assembly Classes | Examples