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Fore > Fore Assembly Interfaces > IScheduledTaskProperties


Assembly: Fore;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.KeFore;


The IScheduledTaskProperties interface contains basic properties and methods that determine task parameters.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Task parameters can be obtained in the IScheduledTask.Properties property.


  Property name Brief description
The Active property determines the task activity.
The Alerts property returns the event, on occurring of which the task is executed.
The AppendAttachment property determines whether it is necessary to attach the calculation result to the message sent by email after executing this example.
The Class_ property determines the class of the task that is executed in task scheduler.
The DynamicMailListMacro property determines macro name which will create a dynamic list of recipients to send notifications about task completion.
The DynamicMailListModule property determines a development environment object containing implementation of macro, which will create a dynamic list of recipients to send notifications about task completion.
The EventId property determines event identifier.
The FtpAddress property determines the path to the FTP folder, in which the calculated report is saved.
Outdated.The MailAddress property determines the email address where the notification about task completion is sent.
The MailBody property determines the message body that informs the user about task completion.
The MailRecipients property determines the emails collection, which are used to sent notifications of task completion.
The MailSubject property returns the message subject that informs the user about task completion.
The MailTargetType property determines the type of email, to which the task execution result is to be sent.
The ParamValues property determines the values of object parameters that are used during the task execution.
The Period property determines a period of the task execution.
The Queueing property determines whether the task is launched when the previous instance of the same task is not completed.
The SendMail property determines whether notifications about task completion are sent by e-mail.
The SharePointFolder property determines the relative path to the folder on the SharePoint site to which the task execution result is published.
The UseDynamicMailList property determines whether recipient list is created dynamically to send results of task completion.
The UserTag property is available only via Fore, it is not used by compiler and can contain any user data.


  Method name Brief description
The CreatePeriod method creates an object that contains settings of the task execution period.
The LoadParamValues method checks if the values of the task parameters are set.

See also:

Fore Assembly Interfaces