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Fore > Fore Assembly Interfaces > IScheduledTaskProperties > IScheduledTaskProperties.DynamicMailListMacro


Fore Syntax

DynamicMailListMacro: String;

Fore.NET Syntax

DynamicMailListMacro: String;


The DynamicMailListMacro property determines macro name which will create a dynamic list of recipients to send notifications about task completion.


It is required to specify the macro with the following signature as the property value:

Function <name>(<param>: IScheduledTask): IArrayList;

The macro should be implemented in the Fore unit/form/assembly, which is determined in the IScheduledTaskProperties.DynamicMailListModule property. The IArrayList dynamic array should be initialized in the macro code and according to a proper algorithm to add required recipients into it. The array can include the following values:

The MailTargetType property must be specified in settings if the repository users are added to the collection.

Fore and Fore.NET Examples

The example of use is given in the description of the IScheduledTaskProperties.UseDynamicMailList property.

See also:
