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Fore > Fore Assembly Interfaces > IScheduledTaskResult



The IScheduledTaskResult interface contains properties and methods of recording in the history of task execution.


  Property name Brief description
FileExtension The FileExtension property returns extension of the file attached to the task execution result.
FinishDateTime The FinishDateTime property returns date and time of the task execution completion.
Finished The Finished property returns whether the task execution is finished in the given moment.
HasDataStream The HasDataStream property returns whether non-empty data stream, that can be read by the ReadDataStream method, is available.
Key The Key property returns the record key in the history of task executing.
Messages The Messages property returns the list of information messages that contain the comments about task executing.
NotificationSended The NotificationSended property returns whether electronic message is sent after task execution.
PostProcess The property is outdated.
StartDateTime The StartDateTime property returns date and time of the task launching for execution.
Succeeded The Succeeded property returns whether the task is successfully executed.


  Method name Brief description
ReadDataStream The ReadDataStream method reads the task execution result and places this result into the stream.

See also:

Fore Assembly Interfaces