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Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces

Dimensions Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
The ICalendarDimAttribute interface contains properties of custom attribute of calendar dictionary.
The ICalendarDimAttributes interface contains properties and methods of a collection of custom attributes determined for calendar dictionary.
The ICalendarDimension interface contains properties and methods of calendar dictionary.
The ICalendarDimInstance interface contains methods for working with hierarchy of calendar dictionary elements.
The ICalendarDimInstanceFactory interface contains methods for creating an object that enables user to navigate the hierarchy of calendar dictionary elements.
The ICalendarSetup interface allows working with parameters of a dictionary with dynamically created elements.
The ICalendarWeekLevel interface contains properties for working with the Weeks level in calendar dictionary.
The ICompoundCalendar interface is used for working with composite calendar dimension.
The ICompoundCalendarInstance interface is used for working with an instance of composite calendar dimension.
The ICompoundDimension interface contains properties and methods to work with compound dimension.
The ICompoundDimensionInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with data of composite dimension.
The ICompoundDimensionSource interface contains properties for working with source of composite dimension.
The ICompoundDimensionSources interface contains properties and methods for working with a collection of sources of composite dimension.
The ICompoundSelection interface contains properties and methods for working with composite selection.
The ICustomDimAttribute interface contains attribute properties of created dictionary.
The ICustomDimAttributes interface contains properties and methods to work with the attribute collection of generated dictionary.
The ICustomDimElements interface contains properties and methods of created dictionary element collection.
The ICustomDimension interface contains properties and methods to work with created dictionary.
The ICustomDimLevel interface contains properties to determine level parameters of created dictionary.
The ICustomDimLevels interface contains properties and methods to work with level collection of created dictionary.
The ICustomDimOrder interface contains properties of the attribute by which elements in generated dictionary are sorted.
The ICustomDimOrders interface contains properties and methods of attribute collection used for element sorting in created dictionary.
The ICustomDimTree interface contains properties and methods to work with designed dictionary elements displayed as a tree.
The ICustomDimTreeChildren interface contains properties for working with a list of elements.
The IDimAdditionalHierarchies interface is used to work with additional alternative hierarchies.
The IDimAllSelectionPrimitive interface contains properties of the primitive that selects or deselects all dictionary elements.
The IDimAsCalendar interface contains properties of comparing attributes of standard and calendar dictionaries.
The IDimAsCalendarAttr interface contains properties of dictionary attribute to compare on using the dictionary as a calendar one.
The IDimAsCalendarAttrs interface contains properties and methods of attributes collection used to compare on using of dictionary as a calendar one.
The IDimAsCalendarLevel interface contains properties of dictionary level to compare on using the dictionary as a calendar one.
The IDimAsCalendarLevels interface contains properties and methods to work with collection of dictionary levels.
The IDimAttribute interface contains properties of dictionary attribute.
The IDimAttributeHierarchies interface is used to work with collection of attribute alternative hierarchies.
The IDimAttributeHierarchiesInstance interface is used to work with data of attribute alternative hierarchy collection.
The IDimAttributeHierarchiesList interface is used to work with list of attribute alternative hierarchies.
The IDimAttributeHierarchy interface is used to work with dictionary attribute alternative hierarchy.
The IDimAttributeHierarchyInstance interface is used to work with attribute alternative hierarchy data.
The IDimAttributeInstance interface contains properties and methods for working with dictionary attribute values.
The IDimAttributeProbe interface is used for callback to determine on which attributes the search should be based.
The IDimAttributes interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of dictionary attributes.
The IDimAttributesInstance interface contains properties and methods of dictionary attribute collection.

The IDimAttributeInstanceValuesLoader interface contains methods of additional attributes values loader.

The IDimAttributeInstanceValuesLoaderArguments interface is used to work with parameters of attribute values loading.

The IDimAttributesList interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of attributes by values of which elements are searched.
The IDimBlock interface contains properties of dictionary block structure.
The IDimBlockInstance interface contains dictionary block properties.
The IDimBlockLoader interface contains properties and methods of dictionary block data loader.
The IDimBlocks interface contains properties and methods of dictionary blocks collection.
The IDimBlocksInstance interface contains properties and methods of dictionary block collection.
The IDimBuilder interface contains methods used to prepare a calculated dictionary to data loading.
The IDimCalendarPeriodSelection interface is used to work with selection of calendar dictionary elements over certain period.
The IDimCalendarSelection interface is used to set selection for calendar dictionary elements.
The IDimChildrenGroupPrimitive interface contains properties of element group primitive that includes child elements.
The IDimChildrenSelectionPrimitive interface contains properties of the primitive that selects or deselects dictionary child elements.
The IDimChildrenWithParentGroupPrimitive interface contains properties of element group primitive that selects child elements together with parents.
The IDimConditionSelect interface is used to determine search criteria.
The IDimDefaultElementSelectionPrimitive interface contains properties of the primitive that sets selection for a default element.
The IDimElement interface is used to work with dimension element.
The IDimElementArray interface contains properties and methods of elements' array.
The IDimElementGroup interface contains properties and methods of dictionary element groups.
The IDimElementGroupPrimitive interface contains properties of element group primitive.
The IDimElements interface contains properties and methods of a collection of dictionary elements.
The IDimElementsIndent interface contains properties and methods used to get information on generation of composite dimension.
The IDimElementsOrderSetup interface contains properties and methods to set up custom sorting of dictionary elements.
The IDimensionModel interface determines model and general structure of a dictionary.
The IDimensionSet interface contains properties and methods collection of obligatory dimensions of time series database and personal values of its own factors.
The IDimSelectionSet2 interface contains properties for advanced settings of parameters to work with collection of dictionaries selections.
The IDimHierarchies interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of alternative hierarchies of a dictionary.
The IDimHierarchiesInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with collection of data stored in alternative hierarchies of the dictionary.
The IDimHierarchy interface contains properties for determining an alternative dictionary hierarchy.
The IDimHierarchyCreator interface contains properties that are used for dynamic setup of alternative dictionary hierarchy.
The IDimHierarchyInstance interface contains properties for determining data of alternative dictionary hierarchy.
The IDimIndex interface contains properties of dictionary index structure.
The IDimIndexAttributes interface contains properties and methods of a collection of dictionary index attributes.
The IDimIndexes interface contains properties and methods of a collection of dictionary indexes.
The IDimIndexesInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of indexed dictionary data.
The IDimIndexInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with indexed dictionary data.
The IDimIndexInstanceLookup interface contains properties and methods used to find dictionary elements by their index.
The IDimInstance interface contains properties and methods used to access dictionary data.
The IDimIterator interface contains properties and methods of iterator used to navigate collection of dictionary elements.
The IDimLevel interface contains properties of dictionary level structure.
The IDimLevelInstance interface contains properties of dictionary elements' level.
The IDimLevels interface contains properties and method of dictionary levels' collection.
The IDimLevelSelectionPrimitive interface contains properties of the primitive that selects or deselects elements of dictionary level.
The IDimLevelsGroupPrimitive interface contains properties and methods of element group's primitive that includes dictionary level elements into selection.
The IDimLevelsInstance interface contains properties of a collection of dictionary elements' levels.
The IDimListGroupPrimitive interface contains properties of element group's primitive that includes dictionary elements into selection in accordance with some list.
The IDimListSelectionPrimitive interface contains properties of the primitive that selects or deselects dictionary elements in accordance with their list.
The IDimMacroGroupPrimitive interface contains primitive properties that the application macro uses to form the group of elements.
The IDimMacroSelectionPrimitive interface contains primitive properties that the application macro uses to form the selection schemas.
The IDimOrder interface contains properties of the attribute by which the dictionary is sorted.
The IDimOrders interface contains properties and methods of a collection of attributes by which the dictionary is sorted.
The IDimOrmClass interface creates a class for working with conditions.
The IDimOrmCondition interface is used to work with conditions.
The IDimOrmManager interface implements an object for working with conditions.
The IDimSelectedAncestorsPrimitive interface contains properties of the primitive that selects or deselects all parents of selected element.
The IDimSelectedChildrenPrimitive interface contains properties of the primitive that selects or deselects all child elements of the selected element.
The IDimSelectedSiblingsPrimitive interface contains properties of the primitive that selects or deselects elements at the same level with the selected element.
The IDimSelection interface is used to work with dictionary selection.
The IDimSelectionSchema interface contains properties and methods of dictionary selection schemas.
The IDimSelectionSchemaPrimitive interface contains properties of dictionary selection schema primitive.
The IDimSelectionSet interface contains properties and methods used to work with selection in a collection of dictionaries.
The IDimSelectionSetFactory interface contains methods used to create an empty collection of dictionary selections.
The IDimSimpleAttrProbe interface contains methods used to check attributes by values of which the search should be carried out.
The IDimTextCriteria interface determines text search conditions.
The IDimTreeIterator interface contains methods of iterator used to navigate tree of sorted dictionary elements.
The IDynamicCalendarInstance interface is used to work with a dictionary with dynamically created elements.
The IDynamicInstance interface contains Properties and methods of MDM table dictionary with dynamic data loading.
The IPredefinedSelectionSchema interface is used to work with pre-defined dimension selection schema.
The IStandardDimAttribute interface contains properties of a table dictionary attribute.
The IStandardDimAttributes interface contains properties and methods of a collection of table dictionary attributes.
The IStandardDimBlock interface contains properties of table dictionary block's structure.
The IStandardDimBlocks interface contains properties and methods of a collection of table dictionary blocks.
The IStandardDimension interface describes general model and structure of a table dictionary.
The IStandardDimIndex interface contains properties of table dictionary index.
The IStandardDimIndexAttribute interface contains properties of dictionary attribute based on which the index is created.
The IStandardDimIndexAttributes interface contains properties and methods of a collection of dictionary index attributes.
The IStandardDimIndexes interface contains properties and methods of a collection of table dictionary indexes.
The IStandardDimLevel interface contains properties of table dictionary's level.
The IStandardDimLevels interface contains properties and methods of a collection of table dictionary levels.
The IStandardDimNotRecursiveBlock interface contains properties of a standard table dictionary block.
The IStandardDimRecursiveBlock interface contains properties of a recursive table dictionary block.
The IStdDimOrder interface contains properties of the attribute by which the table dictionary is sorted.
The IStdDimOrders interface contains properties and methods of a collection of attributes by which table dictionary is sorted.
The IUnitsDimInstance interface enables to work with internal measurement of units of time series database.
The IUserDimAttribute interface contains properties of calculated dictionary's attribute.
The IUserDimAttributes interface contains properties and methods of a collection of calculated dictionary attributes.
The IUserDimBlock interface contains properties of calculated dictionary block's structure.
The IUserDimBlocks interface contains properties and methods of a collection of calculated dictionary's blocks.
The IUserDimension interface describes general model and structure of a calculated dictionary.
The IUserDimIndex interface contains properties of the structure of calculated dictionary's index.
The IUserDimIndexAttributes interface contains properties and methods of a collection of calculated dictionary index's attributes.
The IUserDimIndexes interface contains properties and methods of a collection of calculated dictionary's indexes.
The IUserDimLevel interface contains properties of calculated dictionary level's structure.
The IUserDimLevels interface contains properties and methods of a collection of calculated dictionary's levels.
The IUserDimOrder interface contains properties of the attribute by which the calculated dictionary is sorted.
The IUserDimOrders interface contains properties and methods of a collection of attributes by which calculated dictionary is sorted.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Enumerations | Dimensions Assembly Classes | Examples