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Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > IDimElementGroup



The IDimElementGroup interface contains properties and methods of dictionary element groups.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of primitives in element group.
Dimension The Dimension property determines the dictionary for which the group of elements is created.
DimensionInstance The DimensionInstance property allows to install a dictionary sample for the group of elements.
Item The Item property returns an object that contains element group primitive.
Selection The Selection property returns an object that contains selection of dictionary element group.
UnionType The UnionType property determines type of interaction between several primitives of element group.


  Method name Brief description
AddPrimitive The AddPrimitive method enables to add primitives to dictionary element group.
RemovePrimitive The RemovePrimitive method removes primitives from the group of dictionary elements.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Interfaces