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Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > ICalendarDimInstance



The ICalendarDimInstance interface contains methods for working with hierarchy of calendar dictionary elements.


  Method name Brief description
Day The Day method returns day index for calendar dictionary element.
DownLevel The DownLevel method returns index of calendar dictionary element which is positioned one level lower than the current element.
FinishPeriod The FinishPeriod method returns index of the element corresponding to the end of the period containing the given element.
HalfYear The HalfYear method returns half-year index for calendar dictionary element.
Level The Level method returns dictionary level that contains selected element.
Month The Month method returns month index for calendar dictionary element.
NextPeriod The NextPeriod method returns index of the element corresponding to the next period relative to the period containing selected element.
NineMonths The NineMonths method returns index of the element corresponding to 9 Months period containing selected element.
PeriodLength The PeriodLength method returns length of the period containing selected element.
PrevPeriod The PrevPeriod method returns index of the element corresponding to the previous period relative to the period containing selected element.
Quarter The Quarter method returns quarter index for calendar dictionary element.
Shift The Shift method returns index of the element which you get by shifting by selected lag (shift) from selected element.
StartPeriod The StartPeriod method returns index of the element corresponding to the start of the period containing the given element.
ToLevel The ToLevel method returns index of the element positioned on selected level, parent of the given element.
UpLevel The UpLevel method returns index of calendar dictionary element which is positioned one level higher than the current element.
Week The Week method returns week index for calendar dictionary element.
Year The Year method returns year index for calendar dictionary element.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Interfaces