Dimensions > Dimensions Assembly Interfaces > ICalendarDimInstance > ICalendarDimInstance.FinishPeriod
FinishPeriod(El: Integer): Integer;
El — element index.
The FinishPeriod method returns index of the element corresponding to the end of the period containing element passed by the El parameter.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
CalClass: CalendarDimInstanceFactory;
Dim: IDimInstance;
CalInst: ICalendarDimInstance;
i: Integer;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
Dim := MB.ItemById("CALENDAR_DIM").Open(Null) As IDimInstance;
CalClass := New CalendarDimInstanceFactory.Create;
CalInst := CalClass.CreateCalendarDimInstance(Dim);
i := CalInst.FinishPeriod(100);
End Sub Main;
After executing the example the "i" variable contains index of the element corresponding to the end of period containing the 100th element. Dictionary identifier: CALENDAR_DIM.
See also: