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Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > IRubricator


Assembly: Cubes;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;


The IRubricator interface contains properties and methods of the Time Series Database repository object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Time series database is an object that is used to store time series.

A time series is a set of series observations. A time series is a unique set of attribute values. Each observation included into the series is called a series point. It is characterized by the observation time, its value and a set of additional characteristics.


  Property name Brief description
The AutoUnits property determines whether a units dimension is available in the time series database.
The AutoUpdateStat property determines whether statistics must be collected and index fragmentation must be estimated on operations with data of time series database.
The CalendarLevels property determines a type of calendar frequency in a time series database.
The CalendarLevelsDimension property returns internal dimension of calendar levels in a time series database.
The CompoundFactorKey property determines whether time series have a composite key.
The Container property determines repository objects that form a time series database.
The Database property determines the MDM repository that contains basic dictionaries required for working with a time series database.
The DatabaseEx property determines a database for a time series database.
The DefaultDwarf property determines whether to use optimization on loading time series database data to memory.
The Dimensions property enables the user to work with the collection of pass-through dimensions in a time series database.
The EditFacts property returns the repository object that contains a dictionary of time series database.
The EditValues property returns the repository object that contains a values dictionary of time series database.
The EndYear property returns the end date of factor.
The FactAndValuesDimension property returns the dimension of time series database attributes
The Facts property determines the MDM repository dictionary that contains information about factors of a time series database.
The FactsOnQuery property determines whether a facts dictionary is based on a query.
The GetCommonCalendar property returns the calendar dictionary of a time series database.
The HasEmptyAttribute property determines whether factors are empty in a time series database.
The HasMnemonics property determines whether mnemonics are used for factors identification.
The HasScenarioDimension property determines whether time series database supports scenarios.
The KeepHistory property determines whether to keep history of database factors changes.
The LightWeight property determines whether to load factors dynamically.
The Measures property determines the MDM repository dictionary that contains information about measures.
The ModelSpace property determines a modeling container for a time series database.
The Revisions property determines the MDM repository dictionary that contains information about revisions.
The RevisionsOnQuery property determines whether the revisions dictionary is based on a query.
The SeparateTableForActualData property determines whether to use a separate table to store actual data.
The Sequence property returns the object that generates factor keys for time series database.
The StartYear property returns the start date of factor.
The TreatEmptyStringAsNull property determines whether to store empty strings as Null.
The UnitIsRequired property determines whether the unique key of the time series database contains a units dictionary.
The Units property determines the MDM repository dictionary that contains information about measurement units.
The UseDeduplication property determines whether a time series database supports deduplication.
The UseDistinctSequence property determines whether to generate factors keys for the time series database separately of the other repository time series databases.
The UseDuplication property determines whether series attribute value should be multiplied by all points included into the selection.
The Values property determines the repository object that contains a dictionary of database factors values.
The ValuesOnQuery property determines whether the values dictionary is based on a query.


  Method name Brief description
The AlterAndSave method creates or updates system tables of time series database.
The CollectGarbage method removes series, in which the values of identifying attributes were removed from the dictionary.
The CreateFacts method creates a composite dictionary in the MDM repository that will store information about factors of the time series database.
The CreateMeasures method creates a measures dictionary in MDM repository.
The CreateRevisions method creates a measures dictionary in MDM repository.
The CreateMeasures method creates a units dictionary in MDM repository.
The CreateRevisions method creates a values dictionary in MDM repository.
The EditCalendar method enables the user to get calendar of the time series database in the edit mode.
The GetDictionary method enables the user to get composite dictionary of the time series database.
The RunIndexDefrag method defragments table indexes, on which the time series database is based.
The CreateFacts method enables the user to determine the repository object that stores information about time series database dictionary.
The SetPeriod method sets a period for factors.
The Truncate method clears the time series database.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces