Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > IRubricator > IRubricator.Facts
Facts: IMetaDictionary;
The Facts property determines the MDM repository dictionary that contains information about factors of a time series database.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a time series database with the NewCatalog identifier.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
Rubr: IRubricator;
Facts: IMetabaseObject;
Att: IMetaAttribute;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
Rubr := MB.ItemById("OBJ_RUBRICATOR").Bind As IRubricator;
Facts := (Rubr.Facts As IMetabaseObject).Edit;
Att := (Facts As IMetaDictionary).Attributes.Add;
Att.DataType := DbDataType.Integer;
Att.Id := "NewAttribute";
Att.Name := New additional attribute;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example an attribute with the specified parameters is added to the dictionary that contains information about factors of the database with the NewCatalog identifier.
See also: