Cubes > Cubes Assembly Interfaces > IRubricator > IRubricator.Container
Container(Type: RubricatorContainerType): IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
Type. Type of repository object.
The Container property determines repository objects that form a time series database.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a time series database with the OBJ_RUBRICATOR identifier.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
Rubr: IRubricator;
CrInfo: IMetabaseObjectCreateInfo;
Parent, descr: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
Rubr := MB.ItemById("OBJ_RUBRICATOR").Edit As IRubricator;
CrInfo := MB.CreateCreateInfo;
CrInfo.ClassID := MetabaseObjectClass.KE_CLASS_FOLDER;
CrInfo.Name := "NEW_FAVORITES";
Parent := MB.ItemById("OBJ_RUBRICATOR");
CrInfo.Parent := Parent;
CrInfo.Permanent := True;
descr := MB.CreateObject(CrInfo);
Rubr.Container(RubricatorContainerType.UserFavorites) := descr;
(Rubr As IMetabaseObject).Save;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example a folder with the NEW_FAVORITES identifier is created. Then it is determined as a favorites folder for the user.
See also: