Working with Repository > PP.Mb.Ui > Classes > MetabaseObjectsView > MetabaseObjectsView.DisplayMode
DisplayMode : PP.Mb.Ui.MetabaseDisplayMode;
The DisplayMode property determines display mode for repository object names.
Use JSON or the setDisplayMode method to set the property value, and the getDisplayMode method to get the property value.
By default the value is "Both".
Available values are contained in the PP.Mb.Ui.MetabaseDisplayMode enumeration:
Names. Name only.
Idents. Identifier only.
Both. Name and identifier.
To execute the example, the page must contain NavigatorBox component named navbox (see Example of Creating the NavigatorBox Component.
// Get object view view = navbox.getObjectsView(); // Enable identifier only display mode view.setDisplayMode(PP.Mb.Ui.MetabaseDisplayMode.Idents); // Refresh objects view.refresh();
After executing the example the identifier only display mode is enabled.
See also: