Working with Repository > Components > NavigatorBox > Example of Creating the NavigatorBox Component
To execute the example, in the HEAD tag of the HTML page add links to the following JS and CSS files:
resources file (such as resources.en)
In the SCRIPT tag add the following script:
var navbox; function onLoad() { PP.resourceManager.setRootResourcesFolder("Scripts/resources/"); PP.setCurrentCulture(; mb = new PP.Mb.Metabase( { PPServiceUrl: "PPService.axd?action=proxy", Id: "prognozplatform", UserCreds: { UserName: "user", Password: "password" } });; navbox = new PP.Mb.Ui.NavigatorBox( { Metabase: mb, ParentNode: document.getElementById("div1"), Width: 700, Height: 400, //Multiple selection in the list of objects is enabled ObjectListMultiSelect: true, //Path to images folder ImagePath: "PP_img/", //On opening the context menu for element from tree of folders, a message with selected folder key appears FolderTreeContextMenu: function (sender, args) {
alert(navbox.getSelectedFolderTreeObject()[0].getKey()) }, //filter for container objects is set: only folders are displayed in the folder tree FolderTreeFilter: [0], //object name contains its name and identifier ObjectListDisplayMode: PP.Mb.Ui.MetabaseDisplayMode.Both, //list of objects contains objects of the following types: standard cubes, workbooks, express reports and regular reports ObjectListFilters: [1281, 2827, 2561, 2562], //menu for columns is hidden, that is, it is not available to hide columns HideObjectListColumnsMenu: true,
//on loading a list of objects columns are fit to contents ObjectListObjectsLoaded: function (sender, args) { navbox.adjustColumnsWidthByContent() }, ObjectListSelectionChanged: function (sender, args) { console.debug("Selection of element is changed") } }); }
In the BODY tag add:
<body onload="onLoad();">
<div id = "div1"></div>
After executing the example the NavigatorBox component is located on the HTML page:
See also: