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Working with Charts > HighCharts > Selecting Points

Selecting Points

Points selection is added for the HighCharts charts.

The allowSelect attribute of the chart element is used to enable points selection.


The allowSelect attribute is relevant if:


To execute the example, connect the jquery.js and highcharts.src.js libraries. Below is a JavaScript code to allocate a line chart with the points selection ability on the HTML page:

    $(function () {

        chart1 = new Highcharts.Chart({

            chart: {

                renderTo: 'container',

                defaultSeriesType: 'line',

                allowSelect: true,

                zoomType: 'none',

                useSelectOnRightClick: true //selection with the right mouse button is allowed


            editmode: {

                state: false


            xAxis: {

                "categories": ['1', '2', '3','4','5']


            series: [{

                name: 'A',

                data: [1, 5, 4, 3, 5],

                allowedit: true


            }, {

                name: 'B',

                data: [5, 7, 3, 2, 6]




After executing the example a line chart is placed on the HTML page. Select the chart area while holding down the left or right mouse button. The selected area is highlighted:

Release the left mouse button. The area highlight is off, but the area points is highlighted:

Use the chart.selection property to return the selected points array.

See also:

HighCharts Improvements | Examples | The HighCharts Chart Allocation on HTML Page | chart Element