Working with Charts > HighCharts > Chart Element
The chart item attributes controls the different chart items. A detailed description of the chart item attributes see in the developer's site.
As a part of the improvements, the following attributes have been added for this item:
Attribute name | Brief description |
allowSelect | The allowSelect attribute enables and disables selecting of chart points. Available values:
NOTE. To use this attribute correctly, disable resizing (chart.zoomType = 'none') and editing (editmode.state = false). The array of selected points is stored in the chart.selection property. The example of the allowSelect attribute use is given on the Points Selection page. |
displayVolume3D | The displayVolume3D attribute enables and disables 3D view for the chart. Available values:
NOTE. This attribute is available only on using a chart in the express report. The example of the displayVolume3D attribute use is given on the Setting Up Chart 3D View page. |
seriesAsRings | The seriesAsRings attribute enables the user to switch between display modes of pie chart data series (show them as sectors or as rings). Available values:
NOTE. This attribute is available only in pie charts. The example of using the seriesAsRings attribute is given on the Showing Data Series as Rings page. |
useSelectOnRightClick | The seriesAsRings attribute determines whether chart points can be selected with the right mouse button. Available values:
The example of the useSelectOnRightClick attribute use is given on the Selecting Points page. |
Attribute name | Brief description |
backgroundColor.linearGradient | The backgroundColor.linearGradient attribute sets chart fill as a linear gradient. A feature of setting gradient angle (the angle attribute) and transparency (the opacity attribute) has been added within the HighCharts improvements. The example of using the backgroundColor.linearGradient attribute is given on the Setting Up Gradient Fill for Chart Background page. |
plotBackgroundColor.linearGradient | The plotBackgroundColor.linearGradient attribute sets linear gradient fill for the chart. A feature of setting gradient angle (the angle attribute) and transparency (the opacity attribute) has been added within the HighCharts improvements. The example of using the plotBackgroundColor.linearGradient attribute is given on the Setting Up Gradient Fill for Chart Background page. |
type | The type attribute sets chart type. A new stepline chart (stepped line) is added as one of the HighCharts improvements. To show a stepped line correctly, set value of the step attribute for each series. The example of creating a stepped line is given on the Creating a Stepped Line page. |
See also:
The HighCharts Chart Allocation on HTML Page | Creating the HighChart Chart