Working with Charts > HighCharts > HighCharts Improvements
Detailed JSON specification for HighCharts charts is given on developer's site. This section contains description of improvements extending functionality of HighCharts charts.
Examples of using HighCharts elements and attributes developed in FORESIGHT company, are given in the Examples section.
The allowSelect attribute is added for selecting chart points, and the seriesAsRings attribute that enables the user to switch between displaying modes of pie chart data series as sectors and as doughnuts.
Attributes of the editmode element enable the user to set up mode of chart editing by points or by drawing.
The gapsAsNulls attribute is added that enables the user to bind only neighbor points with a continuous line.
The clearMoving attribute is added to determine whether the tooltip should follow mouse pointer, and the crosshairs element with the showLabel attribute to show values on axes for selected point.
The Attributes of the trendLine element enable the user to set up a trend line for chart series.
See also: