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Working with Web Application > PP.App



The PP.App namespace contains classes, methods and enumerations that are used to work with the tools of Foresight Analytics Platform web application and to log in to platform repository.

Static Methods

  Identifier Brief description
closeMetabase The closeMetabase method closes repository connection.
closeObject The closeObject method closes the specified repository object.
deleteStorage The deleteStorage method removes the specified parameter from the browser storage.
exit The exit method exits from repository.
getActiveModule The getActiveMode method returns settings of the current system unit or its settings by the specified name.
getAppBox The getAppBox method returns parameters of Foresight Analytics Platform web application container.
getConnectionId The getConnectionId method returns repository connection identifier.
getEnabledLicenseFeature The getEnabledLicenseFeature method returns information whether there is a license for the selected unit.
getImagePath The getImagePath method returns path to the icons folder.
getLocale The getLocale method returns the current language and regional settings of the application.
getMbSec The getMbSec method requests additional repository settings.
getMetabase The getMetabase method returns object of repository.
getMetabaseConfig The getMetabaseConfig method returns repository configuration parameters.
getModuleByClassId The getModuleByClassId method returns unit settings by identifier of its class.
getModuleByData The getModuleByData method returns unit settings by its type.
getModuleByName The getModuleByName method returns unit settings by its name.
getModuleNode The getModuleNode method returns DOM element of the container, to which the current unit is loaded.
getModuleObject The getModuleObject method returns unit object.
getModules The getModules method returns array of application elements.
getModuleUrl The getModuleUrl method returns URL of the specified unit type.
getQueryParam The getQueryParam method returns parameter value for HTML page URL.
getStorage The getStorage method returns parameter by its key in the browser storage.
init The init method initializes application.
initLoginForm The initLoginForm method initializes system login dialog box.
initWelcomeScreen The initWelcomeScreen method initializes welcome screen.
isMetabaseOpened The isMetabaseOpened method determines whether repository connection is open.
joinQueryParam The joinQueryParam method puts the specified parameter to the request string.
loadConfig The loadConfig method loads system configuration. The method displays a random dialog box with information.
MessageInfo.showFault The MessageInfo.showFault method displays a dialog box with error.
MessageInfo.showStatus The MessageInfo.showStatus method displays a dialog box with status.
openAppModule The openAppModule method opens unit with the specified type.
openMetabase The openMetabase method opens repository.
openObject The openObject method opens repository object.
setConfig The setConfig method sets the specified configuration settings for application.


The setLocale method sets language and regional settings in the application.

setMbObject The setMbObject method determines new settings for the current repository object.
setObjectName The setObjectName method sets a new name for the current repository object.
setSettings The setSettings method determines application settings.
setStorage The setStrorage method saves the specified parameters to the browser storage.
sharePointShare The sharePointShare method publishes a repository object to the SharePoint service.


  Identifier Brief description
AuthenticationMode The AuthenticationMode enumeration contains authentication options.
ModuleType The ModuleType enumeration contains possible types of system units.
OpenMode The OpenMode enumeration contains modes of repository object opening.

See also:

Class Library | PP.Application